原來 __ and __ 片語這麼好用?7 個超實用英文片語讓你口說寫作 level up!

在英文中稱作 binomial pair
__ and __ 片語不只用起來超文青,在口說寫作上使用也能更生動!

剛剛提到英文中的 binomial pair (或簡稱 binomial) 用法,大家可能一時不知道是怎樣的文法,舉例來說就是常聽到的 safe and sound (安然無恙), pros and cons (有利有弊), ups and downs (起起伏伏) 等,由兩個相同詞性的單字,中間以 and, or, nor 來連接組合而成的片語。 今天小 V 介紹 7 個生活中會常講到,但用英文說會卡住或只能想到簡單單字的片語,學會這些 binomial pair 的用法,一定能幫你們的口說或是寫作大加分喔!

1. toss and turn 輾轉難眠、翻來覆去

Steven often tosses and turns at night if he has an interview or important exam the next day.

My mom was tossing and turning all night because my dad didn’t come home from work last night.

2. hustle and bustle 熙來攘往、喧囂的 (城市等)

hustle 這個字當動詞時有「推擠;喧鬧」的意思,它的名詞就是「忙碌」,也可以指「汲汲營營、力爭上游」。很多成功人士被問到自己成功秘訣或辛酸時,也很常拿 hustle 來形容自己工作非常認真,無時無刻拼命工作的樣子。bustle 當動詞時有「匆忙」之意,或當名詞表示「熱鬧的活動」。而 hustle and bustle 組合就是固定用來形容城市裡的喧囂、很熱鬧的樣子。

Mr. Bai quit his job and went back to his hometown to teach because he’s done with the hustle and bustle of the city.

【TED】艾蜜莉.艾斯法哈妮.史密斯: 人生不只是要快樂 (There’s more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith)

3. flora and fauna (某一地的) 動植物群

flora 是指在同一空間或時間裡的「植物群」,而 fauna 則是「動物群」。除了講 animals and plants 之外,用 flora and fauna 有押韻、字數一致,看起來也會比較和諧喔!

When my brother travelled to Indonesia, he spent some time studying the local flora and fauna in order to do his master degree research.

The “Pandora: World of Avatar” theme at the Disney resort brings the splendid and fictional flora and fauna from the movie Avatar into reality.

【旅遊英文】帶你認識紐西蘭最大城:奧克蘭 (Auckland – City Video Guide)

4. rant and rave 大吵大鬧

rant 和 rave 兩字都是動詞「怒氣沖沖的大吼大叫」的意思。

A: Why is it so noisy out there? Are people fighting?
A: 外面怎麼這麼吵?有人在吵架嗎?

B: Oh, it’s our neighbours Mr. Huang and Mrs. Chen again. They are always ranting and raving about their store problems.
B: 噢,又是我們的鄰居黃先生和陳太太了。他們永遠都在為了店的問題大吵大鬧。

5. dribs and drabs 一點一滴地

dribs 和 drabs 都是複數名詞,且兩字通常不會單獨使用,所以要表達某件事一次一點點的進行,例如某件事一點一點的被揭露,可以在句尾加上 in dribs and drabs.

The truth of this whole murder mystery was revealed to the public in dribs and drabs from the police investigation.

Doreen works really hard and payed back the money she owed her friend in dribs and drabs.

6. flotsam and jetsam (沒價值的) 零碎雜物、殘骸碎片、雜事

flotsam 和 jetsam 同義,都是指海上或沙灘上的「碎木、漂流物或零碎雜物」,可引申為「不受重視的人」或「無價值的東西」。另外,形容一天中的「雜事」也可以用 flotsam and jetsam (of the day).

We were shocked when we found out the beautiful beach we used to go is now covered with flotsam and jetsam.

A: Did you find something important in that box?
A: 那個箱子裡有什麼重要的東西嗎?

B: No, just some broken toys and stuff, nothing more than flotsam and jetsam.
B: 沒有耶,就是一些壞掉玩具之類的雜物,沒什麼有價值的。

美國加州 (Orange County Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia)

7. movers and shakers 有影響力的人、有權勢者

movers and shakers 字面上的意思可以看出是「有行動力的人」或是「可以動搖別人」的人,因此組合起來就是「有影響力的人物;主宰人物;實力派」等的意思。

Amy seems freaked out because she’s going to give a speech in front of hundreds of people, many of whom are movers and shakers in the same business.

【TED】傑米•奧利佛 (Jamie Oliver) 的 TED 大奬願望:給予孩童食品教育 (Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver)

不知道大家有沒有觀察到以上介紹的片語有什麼共通點?對!就是他們都有押韻,不只唸起來順口,聽起來也表達得很到位喔!要注意的是通常片語的前後單字順序不能對調,是固定用法喔!快把以上的 binomial pair 用法背起來,讓你在英文口說或寫作時不再卡詞!


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文/ Kate Chang
圖/ Pexels CC0 License
資料來源/ 商業週刊
作者簡介/ VoiceTube看影片學英語

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