年年有「魚」怎麼翻?教你用英文解釋 6 個新年料理的意義!

♫ 恭喜恭喜恭喜你啊,恭喜恭喜恭喜你 ♪

1. 魚

菜桌上絕對會有的一道菜,因為「魚」跟年年有餘的「餘」同音,「餘」的英文是 surplus 、 abundance,所以可以這麼解釋:

The character fish has the same sound as the word “abundance,” so by eating the fish, it means it’ll bring you a year of abundance.

我們好像習慣講 fish,常常忽略每一種魚也都有自己的英文單字,來學一些魚的名字吧!

  • 鮭魚:salmon
  • 鮪魚:tuna
  • 鱸魚:perch
  • 鯛魚:snapper
  • 鯖魚:mackerel
  • 鰻魚:eel
  • 鱈魚:cod
  • 鱒魚:trout
  • 石斑魚:grouper

2. 水餃


The shape of dumplings resembles ancient Chinese gold, so having dumplings on Chinese New Year symbolizes taking in wealth.


Plus making dumplings with the whole family is also a very fun activity to do, from making the dough to competing who makes the best dumplings, are all very entertaining.


  • 內餡:stuffing
  • 韭菜:leek
  • 高麗菜:cabbage
  • 豬肉:pork
  • 玉米:corn
  • 泡菜:kimchi
  • 芹菜:celery
  • 鮮蝦:shrimp
  • 青蔥:scallion

3. 桔子

「桔」與大吉大利的「吉」音相似。(「諧音」的英文可以說 homophonic pun,通常都會省略前面,直接講 pun。)

This one is also a homophonic pun, the character of tangerine is similar to the word lucky, so eating oranges is a symbol of good luck.

桔子所屬的「柑橘屬」的英文是 citrus fruit ,跟他同為一家人的水果還有這些。

  • 檸檬:lemon
  • 柚子:pomelo
  • 柳橙:orange
  • 萊姆:lime
  • 金桔:kumquat

4. 年糕


The Chinese word for sticky rice cake is a homonym for the word “year” and “high,” so this cake symbolizes an increased prosperity for the year.

5. 湯圓


The sweet round dumplings in Chinese sounds like “get together” in Chinese, it’s something we eat during a lot of family reunion holidays, and it’s also a must-have-dish in the weddings in Taiwan.

台灣的許多小吃,翻譯成英文也都是歸類在 dumpling 家族裡。

  • 韭菜盒:fried leek dumplings
  • 粽子:rice dumplings
  • 蒸餃:steamed dumplings
  • 湯包:soup dumplings
  • 水餃:dumplings

6. 髮菜


The thin, black hair-like algae has the same sound as “get rich,” so this dish stands for prosperity.

看完這篇應該有發現,我們的很多習俗都是為了可以為自己還有家人招來財富跟好運吧。這時就可以跟你的朋友開玩笑說 We’re all about the money and good luck!

小 V 在這邊祝大家都有個美好的農曆新年,猴年行大運!


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文/ Cyndi Tsai
圖/ Flickr
參考資料/ Dig Mandarin
作者簡介/ VoiceTube看影片學英語
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