【職場英文】「公司別再 cost down!」、「你太 over 了!」這些英文怎麼說?

可別講成 cost down 哦!
小 V 整理出 8 個職場上容易出現的錯誤用法

1. PPT vs. slide

(X) Could you go back to previous PPT? I don’t really get the point.
(O) Could you go back to previous slide? I don’t really get the point.

PPT 是台灣人對 PowerPoint 的簡稱,但外國人並不會這樣說,他們稱投影片為 slide。所以別再和外國客戶說 PPT 了,他們可是會一頭霧水呢!

2. What is your job? / What do you do?

(X) What is your job?
(O) What do you do?

詢問他人的工作類別時,雖然中文我們會問說:「你在做什麼工作?」,但英文通常不會問  “What is your job?”  或 “What is your work?”。若這樣說就陷入台式英文的思維模式了。
想問他人做什麼工作,並不需要強調 job 或 work,直接問 “What do you do?” 就可以囉!

3. My job is… vs. I work as…

(X) My job is a web designer.
(O) I work as a web designer.

這是對應上一題問題的回答。同樣地,我們不會用 my job 或 my work 來表示我們的工作,而是用動詞 “I work as a web designer.” 或用最簡單的用法 “I am a web designer.”

4. You are too over! vs. You’ve gone over the top!

(X) You are too over!
(O) You’ve gone over the top!
你太 over 了!

有時候身邊朋友會做一些很不可思議的事情,例如小 V 剛吃完午餐,一回到辦公室就忍不住開始翻零食櫃,這時同事就會說:「妳太 over 了吧!胃是無底洞喔!」,但注意喔!這句話的英文可不是直翻成 “You are too over!” ,而是說You’ve gone over the top!”

5. There has… vs. There is…

(X)There has a laser pointer in the drawer, you can point out the key point with it.
(O)There is a laser pointer in the drawer, you can point out the key point with it.

我們常常會被中文誤導,要講「有什麼」時,會直譯成英文的 has have,但實際上要講「那裡有」時要用 “there is” 喔!

6. loading vs. workload

(X) Due to the large quantity of order, our loading has been really heavy recently.
(O) Due to the large quantity of order, our workload has been really heavy recently.

loading 是指「負荷、載重」,尤其是指車輛、橋樑、機械等的負荷。mechanical loading 是指「機械裝載」、thermal loading 是「熱負載」、time loading 是指「裝載時間」。

若要指工作量工作負荷則要用 workload,heavy/light load 是指「工作量的輕重」。caseload 除了可以指工作量之外,也可以指個案量、(醫院)病例數、(法庭等的)承辦案件數。

7. bad rate vs. defect loss

(X) The bad rate of the new product is less than 3%.
(O) The defect loss of the new product is less than 3%.
新產品的不良率在 3% 以下。

若把生產線中的「不良率」講成 bad rate 就是陷入中式英文的陷阱囉!不良率有專有名詞,叫做 defect loss。將 defect 換成形容詞 defective 也是正確的用法喔!yield loss 也是不良率的說法。

額外補充,若要講良率則可以說 yield rate。

8. cost down vs. lower the cost

(X) We’ve decided to downsize the company in order to cost down.
(O) We’ve decided to downsize the company in order to lower the cost.

“cost down” 是台灣人最容易用錯的說法!不管是開會、訂購流程中都常常會講到「降低成本」。然而,“cost down” 卻是台灣人自己發明的錯誤用法。要講「降低成本」可以說 lower the cost,或是 keep the cost down、reduce the cost。以後可別再以為 cost down 是一個正確又道地的說法唷,外國客戶可是會聽不懂呢!


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文 / Annie Tsai
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參考資料 QQ English , 世界公民文化中心

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