
A: How are you?
B: I’m fine thank you, and you?
A: I’m good.



1. 不要『做自己』


所以,讓我們一起來『裝久了就成功』(Fake it until you make it.),展現自己正面、積極的一面(裝也要裝出來)!

2. 強調『共通點』(similarity)


3. 使對方說出他們的興趣

作法:別當一個談話上自戀狂(conversational narcissit),想與人好好相處,先學會「傾聽」。
那傾聽完要如何回應呢?可以參考以下幾種回覆(節錄自Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being一書)

對方:I received a promotion and a raise at work!(我工作升遷又加薪了!)
[slider title=”積極、有助益的(active and constructive)的回覆:” ]That is great! I am so proud of you. I know how important that promotion was to you! Please relive the event with me now. Where were you when your boss told you? What did he say? How did you react? We should go out and celebrate. Nonverbal: maintaining eye contact, displays of positive emotions, such as genuine smiling, toughing, laughing.

➮ 超強,好像比當事人還要興奮開心。技巧:表現出認同、與有榮焉的情感並請當事人重述經歷。

[slider title=”消極、有助益的(passive and constructive)回覆:”]That is good news. You deserve it. Nonverbal: little to no active emotional expression.
(真是好消息。這是你應得的。 肢體:流露出極少的情感)[/slider]

[slider title=”積極、無助益的(active and destructive)回覆:”]That sounds like a lot of responsibility to take on. Are you going to spend even fewer nights at home now? Nonverbal: displays of negative emotions, such as furrowed brow, frowning.
(這聽來責任好重大啊。你之後是不是會更少時間回家過夜? 肢體:顯露出負面情緒,像是蹙額、皺眉)[/slider]

[slider title=”消極、無助益的(passive and destructive)回覆:”]What’s for dinner? Nonverbal: little to no eye contact, turning away, leaving the room.
(晚餐要吃啥? 肢體:極少目光交流,轉身離去。)[/slider]

我們可以從以上例子中學到:要先有情感上的認同,再同時表現出真摯言語肢體上的認同。(注意:Fake it的重要性)
實用句子:I am so proud of you. / You deserve it. / I know how important this is to you.

4. 讓對方感覺良好

許多研究指出:比起有能力的(competent)人,我們更愛討喜的(likable)人。如何討好他人呢?有研究甚至指出:不誠摯的奉承(insincere flattery)也有效!

5. 讓談話能夠繼續下去


回覆時多做補充並把球丟回去。頂尖科學家Finkel, Eastwick, 及Saigal建議我們:「接受」對方傳過來的球,微微的調整方向,表現出溫暖及誠摯感興趣的樣子再丟回去。

覺得這比喻又玄又不切實際嗎?讓我們一起來看看這支影片-How to Keep a Conversation Going


必備元素-興趣(interest)、聽力技巧( listening skills)、目光交流(eye contact)、熱忱(enthusiasm)、 開放式問題(open-ended questions)、謙卑(humility)


1. 拋出問題來鼓勵對方多談談自己的事(encourage someone to talk about themselves by asking questions)
2. 對廣泛的話題都表露出興趣(display an interest in a wide range of topics)
3. 安靜地聽、保持目光交流(listen quietly and maintain eye contact)
4. 熱情回應(respond enthusiastically)
5. 藉由問5W1H的問題來鼓勵更進一步的對談(encourage further conversation by asking who, what, why, when, where, and how questions)
6. 在談論某個議題時,別怕承認你的無知(Don’t be afaid to admit your ignorance when discussing a topic)

Sources: 5 Secrets That Will Help You Master Conversation Skills, How to Keep a Conversation Going

Photo Sources: 1. By pchin @Imgur  2. By twalter @Cheezburger

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