【實用】drop someone off / drop by / drop-in 輕鬆學會八個 drop 常見生活用語!

Could you drop me off at school?
drop 不是只有「落下」的意思,
drop 還能組成許多生活常見用語。

VoiceTube 精選 drop 片語!

drop by/in 順道拜訪、探望

I dropped in my grandma’s house on my way to the airport.

Feel free to drop by and pick up your novel.


  • drop-in (n.) 不速之客、偶爾地來訪、旁聽生; (adj.) 無須預約的、可隨時造訪的
  • a drop-in center for the homeless 街友臨時救濟之家
  • a drop-in lecture 旁聽課

來看看賈伯斯如何使用 “drop-in” ,熟悉 “drop-in” 用法!

2005年賈伯斯史丹佛演講 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

drop someone/something like a hot potato 馬上擺脫、放棄燙手山芋

She dropped the plan like a hot potato after realizing how much it would cost.

drop it/the subject! 別提了、別說了!

I don’t want to talk about my ex-husband anymore. Let’s drop the subject.

drop dead 突然死去、猝死;滾開、閉嘴

He dropped dead in his office at the age of 40.
他猝死在辦公室時年僅 40 歲。

Drop dead! I’m through with you.


  • drop-dead (adv.) 非常有吸引力地

She is drop-dead gorgeous!

drop someone a line 給某人寫信、留言 (非正式的簡短書信)

Just drop me a line when you decide on the restaurant.

“drop someone a line” 也可以用在網路留言喔!趕快來看看影片:

電子商務成長的五大主因 (5 Reasons Why Ecommece is Growing)

drop (someone) a hint 暗示某人、透露口風給某人

Sara dropped a hint that she wanted to go home.
Sara 暗示她想要回家了。

趕快來看看要怎麼把 “drop a hint” 用在戀愛上:

【戀愛話題】怎麼知道他是不是喜歡上妳了 (How to Tell If a Guy Likes You)

drop off 睡著;減少、下降

She dropped off and missed the end of the film.

Pokémon GO craze shows no sign of dropping off.

drop someone/something off 將某人或某物帶到某地

Sara dropped her luggage off at the hotel and went shopping.

I’m about to go home. Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?

趕快來看看阿福怎麼用 “drop off” 吧!

(Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Official Final Trailer (2016) – Ben Affleck Superhero Movie HD)

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▶ iOS版本:http://goo.gl/T9a5u9


文/ Sara Wang
圖/ Pexels CC Licensed
作者簡介/  VoiceTube 看影片學英語 學英文不是艱難的任務,而是一種融入生活的自然態度。今天起,丟掉厚重的教科書,每日鎖定 VoiceTube看影片學英語官方部落格,給自己一個流利『用』英語的機會!