同意太矯情,拒絕太霸道,20 個萬用會議英文句型讓你職場沒阻礙

太強硬 NG!霸道強勢人緣差
太軟弱 out!盲從吃虧沒主見
20 個會議常用句型學起來,包你職場生涯沒阻礙

不管在開會、接洽國外客戶或寫商用書信,職場上有千百萬種場合需要贊同或是反對他人意見,你的每一句話都會影響你在公司的地位,總是說得很曖昧搞得人家一頭霧水嗎?總是拿不清楚說話的分寸惹人生氣嗎?又或是暫時沒有想法,但說出 “I don’t know.” 的瞬間現場卻呈現一片尷尬不知道要怎麼辦嗎?現在已經把經典句型都給你了,絕佳的機會如果錯過就不會再有囉!

首先,用 agree disagree 來表達贊同或不贊同就是基本款,讓我們來看看他有哪三種最基本的用法:

1. agree / disagree with + 人 + on + 事情

I disagreed with Jack on the agenda of our meeting.
我不同意 Jack 提出的會議議程。

2. agree / disagree to + 動詞原形

They agreed to give us the proposal tomorrow.

3. agree / disagree that + 子句

I agree that we should start the campaign before they release their latest product.





1. You can say that again. 我同意

2. I go along with you. 我贊成你的意見

A: The economy is still unstable in this country, we should spend more time observing it.
A: 這個國家的經濟仍不穩定,我們應該花更多時間觀察。

B: I go along with you.
B: 我同意。

上面影片的 5:08 後就有提到 go along 的用法和他的否定型態哦!錯過了嗎?快把他補起來!

3. I feel much the same way. 我有一樣的想法

A: Don’t you think the project he proposed is impracticable?
A: 你不覺得他提出的計畫難以實行嗎?

B: I feel much the same way.
B: 我也是這樣覺得。

4. I am in favor of… 我贊成…

5. I’m of the same opinion. 我同意

A: Serving the customers should be our priority.
A: 服務顧客應該要是我們的首要目標。

B: I’m of the same opinion.
B: 我完全同意。

6. That’s exactly what I was trying to say. 這就是我想要說的

A: In order to meet our target this month, we should launch a new campaign.
A: 為了達到我們這個月的目標,我們應該要發起新一波的活動。

B: That’s exactly what I was trying to say.
B: 這就是我要說的啊!

7. I couldn’t agree with you more. 我完全同意!

A: The price is a bargain, we must order it ASAP.
A: 這個價錢太便宜了,我們一定要盡快下訂單。

B: I couldn’t agree with you more.
B: 我完全同意。

還認為 ASAP 只會出現在電子郵件裡面嗎?他已經成為國外日常生活的必備單字囉,而且他除了唸 A-S-A-P 以外,他還有一個更口語化的唸法點這邊聽發音

既然知道 ASAP 了,大家常在說的 RIP 又是什麼意思?那 BYOB 呢?想知道更多實用的縮寫字嗎?以下這部影片是你最佳的選擇!

【實用】ASAP 是什麼!十個你應該知道的英文縮寫



8. I can’t really go along with you there. 我無法同意你說的

A: What do you think of Allen’s proposal on this matter?
A: 你認為 Allen 對這件事情的提案如何呢?

B: I can’t really go along with you there. But if you asked, I would say that we shouldn’t be in such a haste.
B: 我無法同意你說的,但如果你問我的話,我會說我們不該如此匆忙。

9. I think you are mistaken. 你一定搞錯了

10. I don’t like to disagree with you, but… 我並不想否定你,但是…

A: We should donate one million dollars to charity.
A: 我們應該要捐一百萬做慈善。

B: I don’t like to disagree with you, but we don’t even have that much money.
B: 我並不想否定你而我也能夠了解你想說的,但我們根本就沒有那麼多錢。

11. As far as I’m concerned… 就我認為…

A: We should host a farewell dinner for the retiring employee.
A: 我們應該主辦一場歡送晚宴給退休的職員。

B: I’m not against your whole idea, it’s just that, as far as I’m concerned, our schedule is packed.
B: 我不是反對這個主意,只是我想我們沒有時間。

12. I must take issue with you on that. 我不同意這點

A: Diners tend to follow the restaurant recommendations online. That’s why we have to spend money on it.
A: 用餐的顧客傾向於參照線上的推薦指南,因此我們應該花錢在這上面。

B: I must take issue with you on that. I think our main focus should be serving delicious cuisine.
B: 我不同意這點,我認為我們應該要專注於推出好吃的餐點。

13. I think you’ll find it a bit more complicated than that. 我想事情沒有那麼簡單

A: All we have to do is to invest in their company, then we will start to make profits.
A: 我們要做的只有投資他們公司,然後我們就會開始獲利了。

B: I think you’ll find it a bit more complicated than that. But before I say no, please let me just check that I understand what you are trying to say here.
B: 我想事情沒有那麼簡單,在我否定你之前,請先讓我確認一下我有沒有理解你所說的。

14. That’s not really how I see it, but maybe… 我不這麼認為,但或許…

A: We should do a research on how superstore display their merchandise.
A: 我們應該研究大型商場陳設商品的方法。

B: That’s not really how I see it, but maybe we can make some change.
B: 我不這麼認為,但或許我們能做些調整。

15. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. 我想我不能同意

A: We should include the cost of a round-trip airline ticket into the seven-day cruise package.
A: 我們應該包含來回機票的價錢在七日的郵輪的套裝行程內。

B: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you but I can understand what you are saying.
B: 我想我不贊同這件事情,但我想我知道你要說什麼。

16. I think I’ll go with Jack’s idea, but tell me more about your idea first. 我想我同意 Jack 的點子,但請先談談你的想法。

17. I’m not against your whole idea, just… 我不是全然否定你的想法,只是…

Fillers (填補詞)


18. I don’t know but let me think. 我不知道,但讓我想想。

I don’t know, but let me think. I think drinking Canada should be allowed in the street.

19. I’ve never thought about that before but… 我沒有想過這點,但…

20. 最後一個「沒有想法但又怕尷尬」的萬用的句型是什麼嗎?影片裡面的老師直接講解最清楚,真是太實用啦!(從 8 分 39 秒開始看)

【交談技巧】吃完東西不要再給 “soso” 意見了!


外面的口說家教好貴阿!讓沒有環境、沒有外國朋友成為無法增進口說的藉口?Voicetube 有兩萬多部影片配合各種會話情境任你挑選,讓你逐字逐句與原音比對發音,不用懷疑,你也可以說的一口溜英語,完美口音不是夢!

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文/ Jerry Lin
圖/ Pexels
參考來源/ 「我贊成你的意見」在英文中有哪些不同說法?
作者簡介/  VoiceTube看影片學英語
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