我們是否在網路上分享太多資訊,被人看光光? Do We Share Too Much Information Online?

你總愛上傳生活大小事到 Instagram 上嗎?
讓我們重新思考:Do we over share online?

2006年,Facebook 對大眾開放;至今,臉書每日用戶數已達8.02億人,隨著智慧型手機的普及,新症狀:“Social Networking Addiction” (社群媒體上癮症) 出現,更有報導指出,社群媒體比菸酒更容易上癮 (the Guardian: Twitter is harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol, study finds)

在重度使用的過程中,不少人早已習慣天天打卡、分享去了哪、吃了什麼、跑了多遠、運動了多久,小至房間裡出現一隻蟑螂,大至生老病死等事,都是社群媒體上常見的消息。不知不覺,有些人或許忘了社群媒體有多公開,忘了po出的所有動態、照片、推文都難以抹去,為了得到更多的 Like ,連私密、不雅等訊息也放在網路上公諸於世。

Maybe it’s time we stop and think twice about the effects of how much we share online.

Why are we obsessed with sharing online? 

我們都想要被需要 (feel wanted)、有歸屬感(a sense of belonging),甚至想要透過社群媒體一展長才,得到觀眾和粉絲的掌聲,但社群媒體的影響力究竟有多大?真的有隱私可言嗎?

…most of us spending three and a half to seven hours a day on social platforms that could potentially reach 150,000 strangers.


(【TED】你按過的讚所透漏的訊息比你所想像的還多太多了Jennifer Golbeck: The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think)


The youth of today have a voice like we never have before. Social media can be an awesome environment to encourage each other, communicate with people and share our stories. Social media gives us a chance to reconnect and keep up with old friends and friends that live far away. It gives us the opportunity to share our stories and get our opinions out there.                          ──Samantha Goodyear

水可載舟,亦可覆舟(Water can float a boat as it can capsize it.),下次按下「留言」、「發表」前,三思而後行,確定那些內容是你真的想要分享出去、留傳千古的。


Source: Do We Share Too Much Information Online?, The Power of Social Media 
Photo Source: 1. Jason Howie, CC Licensed 2. mkhmarketing, CC Licensed

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