改變你對女性的看法(Change The Way You Look At Women)


註1 (0:37)


When we condone airbrushed faces and photoshopped bodies what are we saying about ourselves?
Condone (v)寬恕;赦免
Airbrush (n) 利用壓縮空氣的噴霧器;噴槍→ Airbrush makeup(噴槍彩妝)


註2 (0:55)


If all the women we see in the ads look the same what illusion are we promoting for our daughters?
Illusion (n)幻想,錯誤的觀念


註3 (1:08)


experts who revolutionize their fields
revolutionize (v) 徹底改革,在……方面實現突破性大變革


註4 (1:42)


And that beauty is worth seeing.
worth (adj) 值得 →+Ving


Source: 改變你對女性的看法(Change The Way You Look At Women)


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