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跟 and 相關
描述同一個人、事、物的時候,我們常常會用逗號跟 and 來連接,但有時候想要特別強調某個特點,或是補充說明時,全部連在一起好像又怪怪的?現在就來看看該怎麼用其他字替代 and 吧!
Please bring a scientific calculator and be on time for next week’s final exam. Also, a sheet of note is allowed.
下週的期末考請攜帶工程計算機並準時到教室。還有,可以帶一張筆記來考試。Nowadays, the storage capacity of USB flash drivers is much greater than before. In addition, the price is much lower.
現今的隨身碟容量比以前要大的多。此外,價錢也更便宜了。The design of the car doesn’t appeal to me at all. Besides, I can’t afford it.
這輛車的設計完全不吸引我。況且,我也買不起。VoiceTube HERO is a powerful online English learning system. Furthermore, it’s the most interesting and efficient way to learn English.
VoiceTube HERO 是強大的線上英語教學系統,更是最有趣且最有效率的英文學習方式。
其他相關單字:additionally、moreover、more so
Mikae as well as I wants to study abroad for graduate school.
Mikae 和我都想出國念研究所。The president along with his subordinates is visiting Japan to sign a treaty.
“as well as” 和 “along with” 的用法雖然看似跟 and 的一樣,但要注意的是,採用這兩個用法的句子,後面的動詞會跟著第一個主詞(比較遠的那個主詞)變化,所以要特別注意動詞單複數形式的改變唷!像是第一句的 want 是跟著 Mikae 這個主詞而變成 wants,第二句的 be 動詞則是跟著 president,所以是用表達單數的 is,而不是複數的 are。
小編秘訣分享:也可以想成是你想要強調的重點在於第一個人。拿第二句為例,雖然也可以用 The president and his subordinates are visiting Japan to sign a treaty. 但其實去簽條約的主要還是總統,用 along with 就可以將總統突顯出來囉!
其他相關單字:together with
跟 but 相關
多為轉折語氣,在使用上有比 but 更強烈的效果。
University is a place that provides students with abundant resources together with freedom. However, those with low self-control could easily get lost.
大學是個提供學生許多資源並且能讓他們自由發揮的地方。然而,那些無法自我約束的人則很容易迷失。Statistic analysis requires a lot of time and effort, yet I enjoy it very much.
分析數據需要很多時間與精力,但我很樂在其中。Although the ending was quite predictable, it is overall a good movie.
雖然這部電影的結局很好猜,但整體來說還是蠻好看的。Jack studied really hard. The effort only lasted for two days, though.
Jack 很用功念書,但只持續了兩天。
其他相關單字:on the other hand、in contrast、on the contrary、whereas、nevertheless、 nonetheless、despite、in spite of
跟 so 相關
GRE is not only difficult but also extremely expensive. Therefore, make sure you are well prepared when taking it.
GRE 測驗不只困難又非常貴。所以,應考前務必確保你已經準備好了。Starting a project from zero in an unfamiliar field is not easy. Thus, gathering information beforehand is a crucial step.
要在完全陌生的領域中從頭進行一個專案並不容易。因此,事前的資料蒐集是很重要的一個步驟。The company suffered a great loss during the economic crisis. Hence, a number of employees were laid off.
其他相關單字:consequently、in consequence、as a result、for this reason
VoiceTube HERO 讓你學完文法馬上應用
學英文時,是否常常覺得背了一堆文法,但還是不知道該怎麼運用?HERO 讓你學完後馬上應用,絕對不會忘!
文法練好後,就更能說出流暢的句子啦!這時是不是想更進一步挑戰跟外籍英文老師直接對話呢?試試看 engoo 真人家教吧!2016 年 6 月 30 日 前只要購買兩套(含)以上的 VoiceTube HERO 課程方案,就送你免費一個月的 engoo 線上真人家教(市價 $2,360),讓你在 HERO 打好英文聽說讀寫的基礎後,就可以用 engoo 跟專業英文老師練習對話啦!
文/ Jack Lu
圖/ Bench Accounting, CC Licensed
來源/ Merriam-Webster, gmatclub, 永遠只會 and、but?, 10種必須要了解的連接詞
作者簡介/ VoiceTube HERO 團隊
VoiceTube HERO 是一套創新互動學習課程,從聽讀到說寫幫您全面提升英文實力。透過影片多元情境,自然而然學習實用英文。讓您不只學英文,還用英文獲取全世界的知識!