【實用英文】你可能知道 case 是案例,那 in case of 是什麼呢?in spite of 該怎麼用才正確?超重要的 in… of 片語大解析!

case 是案例,那 in case of 是什麼呢?
in spite of 和 despite 又有什麼差別?
in light of 和光線有關係嗎?
超重要又實用的12個 in…of 片語,


in case of 以防萬一

case 的意思是案例、情況,in case of 指以防萬一,後面接名詞或代名詞。

We have to have an emergency exit sign over the door in case of fire.

in case 也是以防萬一的意思,後面接子句。

Take an umbrella with you in case it rains!



in the case of 則是「至於、在… 情況下」,注意不要搞錯囉!

Jane is doing well at school. However, in the case of John, I think we need to consider finding a private tutor.
Jane 在學校表現很好,但至於 John,我認為需要考慮幫他找個家教。

in spite of 儘管

和 despite 一樣,後面都必須接名詞

Ron went to school yesterday in spite of his illness.
= Ron went to school yesterday despite his illness.
儘管 Ron 生病了,他昨天還是有上學。

若要加上子句,可用 the fact that 連接

Gina failed the exam in spite of the fact that she had studied so hard.
= Gina failed the exam despite the fact that she had studied so hard.
儘管 Gina 非常認真念書,她還是沒有通過這次考試。


【生活英文】偷吃也有科學依據? (The Science of Cheating)

in view of 由於、有鑑於

We have to reach a consensus on this issue in view of the upcoming election.

in light of 因為;考量到

You should think about their advice in light of your condition.

in place of = in lieu of 取代


Plastics are now often used in place/lieu of wood or metal.

Uber 在各國都掀起一陣風潮,它是如何運作的呢?未來會完全取代私家車嗎?看看 Uber CEO 怎麼說!

【TED】Uber CEO 帶你瞭解 Uber 是如何運作的 (Uber’s plan to get more people into fewer cars)

in charge of 負責

charge 有花費、收費的意思,in charge of 則是負責某事、某機構。

Three months after she joined the company, she is already in charge of a new project.

當然,你也可以用 “I am in charge!”,強調自己是遊戲或運動中的「老大」!


夾娃娃機都夾不到?原來不是你技術不好!(It’s not you. Claw machines are rigged. Observatory #8)

【實用英文】費用百百種!fee, bill, price, charge差在哪?VT總整理讓你「錢」進好英文!

in terms of 從…的角度看

term 有術語和任期的意思,in terms of 則指從特定角度看待某事,也可寫成 in … terms

The US Army is internationally condemned in terms of human rights.

in hopes of 希望,期待

也可以寫成 in the hope of。

This morning Oliver went to the manager’s office in hopes of being able to sign the contract.
今天早上 Oliver 拜訪了經理,希望可以成功簽下合約。

in memory of 紀念

memory 是記憶,in memory of 則是紀念,注意紀念的對象只能是已經「過去」的人事物,如過去的戰爭或是死者。

This monument was built in memory of those who died in the war.


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圖/ FindA Photo CC licensed
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