


1. mono 一個;單獨的;單一的

“mono” 來自於希臘文中的「單獨」 “mónos” ,應該是英文中最寂寞的字首。在英文的運用中, “mono” 也自然成為「一個」、「單獨的」、「單一的」意思。

monocle 單片眼鏡


單片眼鏡 (The Monocle – The New Trend In Eyewear)

monocracy 獨裁政治

monocular 單眼;單目鏡

Monocular glasses were a fashion trend among opera watchers in the beginning of the 20th century.

monocycle 獨輪車;獨輪腳踏車

monogamy 一夫一妻制

In modern day society, monogamous marriages have become the norm amongst most civilized nations.

monogram 將姓名的首字母組成的組合圖案形成的花押字

Coin collectors always pay attention on the intricate designs of monograms on ancient coins.

monolingual 單語的;只用一種語言的人

The majority of Americans are monolinguals. Nevertheless, as Mark Zuckerberg and Jeb Bush set great examples, perhaps more Americans will find the immense benefits of speaking Chinese and Spanish.

monolith 巨型獨石;整塊石料;龐然大物

monologue 獨白; 獨角戲;冗長的講話

The comedian’s monologue about how much he hates his ex-girlfriend was unfunny and offensive. Most audiences left the nightclub halfway through his speech.

monomial 單項

A monomial is a mathematical expression that’s only composed of a single algebraic term.

monoplane 單翼飛機

monopoly 獨佔;專賣;壟斷;完全控制

Government agencies have always possessed monopolies on resources such as water, gas, and electricity.

Monopoly 大富翁;地產大亨(棋盤遊戲)


Monopoly is an American board game that has been popular since 1903.
《大富翁》是自從1903年一直流行美國的棋盤遊戲 。

monorail 單軌鐵路;單軌鐵路車輛

The Walt Disney World Monorail System transports over 150,000 passengers on a daily basis.

monosyllable 單音節字

Monosyllabic words include such as “cat, life, love, heart, world” are easy to learn, and often appear in everyday conversations.

monotheism 一神論;一神教

Christianity is a monotheistic religion, while its concept “Trinity” is the belief that God exists in three beings: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

monotone 單調

monoxide 一氧化物

2. bi 二;雙

“bi” 在拉丁文中的原型是 “bis”,也就是「兩次」 (twice) 的意思。在英文中是普遍的字首,用來表達許多與「雙」有關的詞語。”LGBT” 中的 “B” 就是最簡單的例子:bisexul,意指雙性戀。

在學習 “bi” 開頭的單字時,務必要注意它形容時間的雙關效應。因為字首當然是固定的出現在最前面,而當它與時間搭配時,是沒有辦法分辨該字首是表示「某段時間的兩倍長」,還是某些事項要「在某時間發生兩次」,所以 “biweekly”、”bimonthly”、”biyearly” 都很容易造成誤會。所以到底是一段時間中兩次還是兩倍的時間中發生一次,在溝通中大家要達到共識,解釋清楚,才不會造成誤會。

biannual 每年兩次的;每半年的;一年兩次的

“annual” 在拉丁文中的原意就是「每一年」,而不是「一年」的意思。所以把 “bi” 放在它的前面只能用來表達事情在一年中會發生兩次,沒有把形容的時間加倍的效應。

biathlon 冬季兩項兩項競賽(越野滑雪和步槍射擊);兩項運動

The biathlon consists of cross-country skiing, and rifle shooting. The sport originated in Norway as a form of military training.

biaxial 雙軸;二軸的

bicentenary 二百週年

In the movie Bicentennial Man, Robin William played Andrew Martin, a robot who transformed into a human being, and died when he was two hundred years old.

bicoastal 兼在美國東西兩岸工作或居住

Bicoastal families in the United States often travel between the west and east coasts, since parents have jobs in different cities.

bicolor 二色的;二色之物

biconvex 兩面凸的

biconcave 雙凹

bicycle 腳踏車;自行車

biennial 兩年一次

bifocals 雙焦點透鏡;雙焦點的;雙光眼鏡

As middle age approaches, I realized that it might be about time to get some bifocal glasses, so I can easily read the menu when dine out.

bilateral 雙邊的;雙方的

Bilateral breathing is the preferred breathing technique of freestyle swimmers, because alternating sides to breathe keep the body in balance.

bilingual 通兩種語言的人; 雙語的

VoiceTube is an English learning platform that’s popular among millions of English learners who wish to become bilinguals.
VoiceTube 是一個數百萬在學英文、想要變成通雙語的人歡迎的語言學習平台。


【TED-Ed】雙語腦的好處 (The benefits of a bilingual brain – Mia Nacamulli)

bilocation 分身;分身術;同時現身於兩處

bimonthly 隔月的;兩個月一次的;一月兩次的;半月刊

As the internet is becoming a significant source of information for people who enjoy reading, many monthly magazines are cutting costs, and publishing on a bimonthly basis.

binary 二進制

Binary code is a universal language among software programmers.

binocular 望遠鏡雙眼雙目;給兩眼用的;用兩眼的

The birdwatcher never goes out for an early morning walk without his binoculars.

binomial 二項式

Learning to multiply binomial equations is one of the basics of algebra.

bipartisan 代表兩黨的;獲得兩個政黨支持的;為兩黨所擁護的

biplane 雙翼飛機,復翼飛機

bipolar 有兩極的,雙極的

bipolar disorder 躁鬱症;雙極性情感疾;雙相障礙

Bipolar disorder is a genetic disorder. Nevertheless, people with genetic disadvantage of the disease can seriously reduce developing symptoms with healthy diet, and regular sleep cycles.

biracial 混血兒

bisexual 雙性戀

biweekly 雙週;每兩週的;每週兩次的;雙週刊;半週刊

After receiving the data of his latest health exam, the slight overweight man decided to make jogging his biweekly activity.

biyearly 每年兩次的;兩年一次的

“Biyearly” is an expression that’s rarely used in American English. Mostly people would say “semi-annually”, “twice a year”, or “every six months.”

3. poly 多;多數

“poly” 來自於希臘文中的「很多」 “polýs” ,應該是英文中最不寂寞的字首,所以在單字字首看到 “poly” 就可以簡單地推理:在它後面的單字所代表的事物不是一個兩個,很可能是很多個。

polybag 塑膠袋;塑料袋;聚乙烯袋

polychrome 多色的;多色裝飾的;多色之物品

polyester 聚酯纖維;尼龍

Polyester shirts, bell-bottom jeans, and pillbox hats were popular fashion trends in the 1960’s, and items with bright colors still can be found in vintage stores.
尼龍襯衫、喇叭牛仔褲、藥丸盒帽子是在 1960 年代的時尚潮流,如今這些鮮豔的復古服裝還是可以在古董服裝店找到。

polygamy 一夫多妻制;一妻多夫;雌雄混株

Big Love is an American TV show that reveals the existence of polygamy compounds in the state of Utah.

polygene 多基因

polyglot 通數國語言; 通數國語文的人;用數國語文記載的書

polygon 多邊形;多角形

polygraph 測謊器複寫複圖器多種波動描記器

A polygraph simultaneously detects a person’s blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity. It is also known as a lie detector.

polymer 聚合體;聚合物

polymorph 多形體;同質異像體

polysaccharide 多醣類;多醣,聽聽看這個好長的單字怎麼念:

多醣體 (Polysaccharide)

polysyllable 多音節字;多音節詞



polytheism 多神教;多神論

Greek mythologies believe in polytheism, and the gods in ancient stories have humanlike emotions, desires, and problems.

polyvinyl 聚乙烯醇的;聚乙烯化合物

4. uni 一;單;一方;單邊

“uni” 在拉丁文中的原型是 “ūnus”,也就是「一個」 (one) 的意思。可是在英文中表達的意義與 “mono” 完全不同:”mono” 是表示「單獨」,而 “uni” 是代表特別的、「獨一無二」的意思。在運用想像力來幫助記憶時,可以想像本來有許多不同的事物與想法,可是 “uni” 已出現,紛亂的事項開始產生結論,可能因為大家整合之後達到共識,要不然就是有「獨特」的事情要出現了。

unanimous 一致

”animus” 是拉丁文中的「思想」,”unus” 加上 “animus” 重疊的母音,省去了 “uni” 的 “i”。

After another two-hour meeting without progress, the team unanimously agreed that they need to cut down the time they spend on meetings.

unibrow 一字眉

一字眉怎麼辦? (Best Way to Get Rid of Unibrow Hair)

unicolor 單色的

unicorn 獨角獸

The child’s drawing of a rainbow-colored unicorn added a sense of comical touch to the mysterious creature.

unicornfish 突角鼻魚

unicycle 獨輪車

The mime riding a unicycle, and juggling at the same time in the crowded part of the pier attracted everyone’s attention.

unilateral 單方面

The merger of the two telephone companies created a unilateral advantage for the suppliers, while the consumers can only worry about the rise of prices.

unilingual 統一使用一種語言的;單語的

unique 獨特的;唯一的;獨一無二的

Avoiding redundancy is one of the key to writing well. Using the expression “very unique” is a common mistake, because that’s analogous of saying “there is only one, really only one.”

universe 宇宙

The word “universe” literally means all existing matter in space as a whole, while scientific research shows that the universe is constantly expanding.

university 大學;綜合大學

univocal 單義單一的意思,意義明確的

The Valedictorian’s moving speech expressed the univocal sentiments of all the graduating seniors of a small high school.

5. semi 一半

“semi” 在拉丁文中的原型是 “sēmi”,也就是「一半」 (half) 的意思。原本是用來表達很簡單的概念,像是一半的時間,空間,或距離。

可是很多字前面加一個 “semi”,雖然不是用來表達具體的「半個」,卻能描寫物體許多抽象上「半吊子」的感覺。雖然它連結的形容詞與事物本來無法被形容為,可是前面加一個 “semi” 可以幫它們強調出「部分的」、「不完整」、「沒有全部」、「若有似無」的意思。

semi-annual 每半年的;半年期的;一年兩次的

As the rain continues, only a few shoppers were purchasing at the department store’s summer semi-annual sale, while most shoppers prefer to wait for the big sale at the end of the year.

semiaquatic 半水生的

semiautomatic 半自動

On Monday morning at the office, the brand new semiautomatic espresso machine, which users can decide their coffee preference, attracted everyone’s attention.

semi-basement 半地下室

semicircle 半圓形

The teacher created a perfect semicircle by stabilizing a string on the base of the blackboard, and drew an extending curve in the space above the point of origin.

semi-civilized 半文明的

semicolon 分號

semiconductor 半導體

Taiwan has made significant breakthroughs in developing semiconducting technologies.

semiellipse 半橢圓形

semifinal 半決賽

The two professional tennis semifinalists have been friends for many years. They wish to play a great game, and the best player can go on the final tournament.

semiformal 半正式

semi-monthly 半月刊

semioval 半橢圓形

The comic portrays a turtle laying on its back, being unable to turn back on its feet, because its shell is the shape of a perfect semioval.

semi-weekly 半週;半個星期

“Semi-weekly” often becomes a confusing expression, because it sounds strange to divide seven days into two parts. Therefore, “twice a week” is a more common expression.

6. hemi 一半

“hemi” 來自於希臘文中的「一半」 “hēmi” ,與拉丁文中的 “sēmi” 同義。可是在英文中真的不是很受歡迎,而出現的機會很少。基本上來講,”hemi” 只有用來形容具體的實物,不會在表達感覺時出來。而在比較常見的用語中,大家可能只有對 「半球」 (hemisphere) 有印象。

hemicycle 半圓形,半圓形的鬥技場;半圓形的房間

hemiplegia 半身麻痺;半身不遂

hemipteran 半翅類昆蟲;半翅類的

Hemisphere 半球

Northern Hemisphere 北半球

More than 6 billion human beings live on earth, and approximately 90 percent of the world’s population live on the Northern Hemisphere.
超過 60 億人是生活在地球上,大約90%的人生活在北半球。

Southern Hemisphere 南半球

Compared to the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere’s landmass is significantly less, with only 800 million human beings residing on the southern half of the world.

hemistich 詩的半句;半行;不完全的詩行


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