


12. get over
ex. How can we get over the river?
ex. We can get over this problem.
ex. He had a bad cold but he has got over it.

13. get through
ex1. I ‘ ve got through a lot of work today.
ex2. He got through all his money last week.
ex1. Did you get through your driving class?
ex2. He hardly knew how to get through the rest of the day.

14. get together
ex. We decide to get together next Friday.

15. get up
ex. I get up at 6:30 every morning.
ex. She was got up as an Indian princess.
ex. He is getting up a party for his girlfriend.

16. get +Ving
ex. Get moving, please.
ex. They got chatting and found out that they have the same hobby.

17. get +V(p.p.)
ex. He got caught for speeding.
ex. Soon he got dressed and went out.

18. get sb sth/get sth for sb
ex. Will you get me a ticket?/ Will you get a ticket for me?

19. get sb(sth) to do sth
(1)使/讓 某人(事)做某事
ex1. You must get her son to arrive here on time.
ex2. He couldn’t get the car to start and went by bus.

20. get sb Ving sth
(1)使某人(事) (開始) 起來
ex1. Finally, my watch get going again.
ex2. What he say get us thinking.

21. get sth V(p.p.)
ex1. I get my hair cut.
ex2. He got his glass broken.

22. get to V sth
(1) 開始做某事
ex. We got to know each other since 2010.
ex. Many kids in Africa never get to have education.


小編自己整理了一遍覺得真的每個都十分重要啊  (但也很容易搞混)
想要熟記實用片語嗎? 就從這22個開始吧!






Source: Get片語22條


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