so 和 therefore 怎麼用?「因為…所以…」因果句寫法大公開!

so 和 therefore 怎麼用?
但是英文中 because 跟 so 就不能擺在一起?
VoiceTube 來告訴你我們常犯的英文語病!


  1. _______ Jack forgot to bring his homework to school, ______ he was scolded by the teacher.
    因為 Jack 忘了帶作業去學校,所以他被老師罵了。
  2. Vivi did a great job in the company. ______ , the boss gave her a promotion.
    Vivi 在公司表現很好。因此,老闆給她升職。

so 和 therefore 怎麼用?

在開始看例句之前,我們要先弄清楚一個文法觀念:連結詞可以連接兩個句子,但是副詞不能。雖然 so 跟 therefore 在某些時候都可以解釋為「所以/因此」,轉折句子、表示「結果」,不過用法上因為各個文法概念可會大不同呦!so 是連接詞,therefore 是副詞;因此,so 可以連接句子,但是 therefore 不能看看下面的例句會更清楚喔!

so 是連結詞:連接兩個句子

It’s raining heavily outside, so I want to stay home and learn English on VoiceTube Hero.
外面下雨下很大,所以我想在待在家裡然後用 VoiceTube Hero 課程學英文。

Therefore 是副詞:不能連接兩個句子

It’s raining hard outside. Therefore, I want to stay home and learn English on VoiceTube Hero.
外面下雨下很大,因此我想在待在家裡然後用 VoiceTube Hero 課程學英文。

除了 therefore,你還有這些可以用…

跟 therefore 同義都是「因此」,而且同是副詞的還有 thusas a resultconsequentlyhence。這些都是在寫作上很好用的承轉詞,我們各來造一個句子練習一下吧!

It’s a waste of time to wait in line for movie tickets. Thus, I choose to book online.

Life is complicated. As a result, you need a lifetime to define it.

The oil price keeps dropping. Consequently, I have saved some more money this month.

A cold front is coming soon. Hence, I’ve got my puffer jacket ready.

so 和 because 在同個句子!? 

一個連接詞只能連接兩個句子,兩個連接詞就要連接三個句子。這裡指的「句子」是指擁有主詞+動詞+(受詞)的完整句子。但中文直接翻譯的緣故,常常有人會把 because 跟 so 放在兩個句子中。但是以文法正確性為考量的話,只能二選一囉!

(X) Because I’m used to staying up, so I’m always drowsy in morning classes.

(O) Because I’m used to staying up, I’m always drowsy in morning classes.

(O) I’m used to staying up, so I’m always drowsy in morning classes.

Answers 答案

because 跟 so 二擇一,但是不能兩個都放喔!

  1. Because Jack forgot to bring his homework to school, he was scolded by the teacher.
    Jack forgot to bring his homework to school, so he was scolded by the teacher.
    因為 Jack 忘了帶作業去學校,所以他被老師罵了。
  2. Vivi did a great job in the company. Therefore, the boss gave her a promotion.
    Vivi 在公司表現很好。因此,老闆給他升職。


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文/ Michael Lu
圖/ blueMix,  CC Licensed.
參考資料/ Dr. eye, Merriam Webster
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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