你以為 call 只能用在打電話和叫名字?各種 call 用法大公開!

打電話給我:Call me!
這個東東叫什麼:What’s this thing called?
不能不知道的 call 用法大公開!

“Call” 的意義大公開

以下整理一些常見的 call 的意思:

  • 打電話
  • 呼叫
  • 喚起
  • 拜訪
  • 必要
  • 決定
  • 取名
  • 叫牌
  • 跟牌
  • 裁判的判定
  • 大聲的叫喊

接下來就把 call 的相關搭配詞一起學起來吧!

1. Call to 喚起;呼喚;呼叫

“call to” 是呼喚的意思,而平常對話的時候大家不大可能互相呼來喚去,所以 “call to” 在想要「發揮影響力」與「展現威嚴」的時刻會用起來比較順,舉例來說:

Call to action
這個可以翻譯為「呼喚行動」或者「行動號召」,是用來鼓勵人做出某種動作。在行銷的藝術中,CTA(Call to action)是運用設計的概念吸引觀看者的注意力,讓他們採取行動、增加消費的可能性。

Call to action (CTA) is a marketing strategy that utilizes lively and interactive promotions that lead the viewers to actively participate, thus attract potential customers.

Call to attention
是「喚起注意」。而在軍事的用語中,當長官一吼 “attention!” 小兵們就馬上「立正」了!

The drill sergeant possesses great strength and a loud voice. When he calls his troop to attention, everyone within 500 yards can hear him.

Call to arms
“Arms” 不是手臂,而是武器的意思,所以正確的翻譯是「召集民兵」或者「武裝號召」。在現實世界中,這種用語只會在軍變或者有暴動的時候才會出現。在文學界中,魯迅著名的短篇故事《吶喊》就被翻譯為 Call to Arms 來表達人民心中的聲音,也成為現代中國文學的代表作品。

Call to Arms and Madman’s Diary are famous short stories by Lu Xun, who is known as the father of modern Chinese literature.

2. Make a social call 來做拜訪

“Make a social call” 是早期的講法。古代的人沒有電話、電腦、任何電子溝通的工具。社會人士需要使用信件通訊。像是《亂世佳人》、《傲慢與偏見》中的人物一樣,早上起來寫信,下午打扮漂亮出門找朋友、或者等候貴賓到來、喝下午茶、聊天作伴。所以 “call on you” 也成為「會來找你」的意思。

Prior to the time of telephones, computers, and smartphones, and shopping malls, making social calls was a good way to pass the time.

Two old friends from elementary school ran into each other during the Christmas holiday at a supermarket in their hometown. They promised to call on each other, and visit old classmates together.

3. Referee makes a call 裁判判決

“Make a call” 是裁判要判決的時候的術語,如果不公平的話會引發爭論,就像當決定的權利在一個人的手上時,可不是兒戲,一定需要考慮清楚再決定。

The audience of the basketball game became angry when the referee made a call against the home team. Nevertheless, after replaying the footage of the game a few times, it was obvious that he made the right decision.
當籃球裁判作出對主隊不利的判決時, 觀眾變得憤怒。儘管如此,重放了比賽錄像幾次之後,他很明顯的做出了正確的決定。

我們總是搞不懂的事:為什麼裁判會有一些爛判決? (Why Do Refs Make Bad Calls?)

4. Call for 需要

如果需要一個人的時候可以講 “I am calling for you. (我正在叫你)”。換一個角度來看,當一件事情或工程需要必備人、材料、條件時,也可以說 “This job calls for two people. (這件事需要兩個人)”。如果是好事的話,就應該說 “The event calls for a celebration! (大事一定要慶祝!)” 。

The recipe for the cake calls for a bag of cake mix, three eggs, one cup of milk, and any color of frosting.

The engineering firm signed its biggest contract of the year the day before Christmas, and the good news certainly calls for a big party.

5. Uncalled for 不需要;沒有必要

相反的來看、”uncalled for” 就是「不需要」。也是表示在沒有必要時,卻還是故意做惡劣的行為或講惡言惡語,不只是多此一舉,也是刻意地傷害他人。

The manger reprimanded the employees for the mistakes they made at work, and they promised that they will make progress. But when he posted offensive and judgmental comments about them on FB, the behavior is obvious uncalled for, so they used the posts as evidence, and filed a complaint against him with the head office.

6. Call someone’s bluff 揭露虛張聲勢的做法;沒有上當;不買這一套

在玩撲克牌或大麻將時,如果有人手上是一手爛牌,還是故意虛張聲勢、表現自己馬上就要贏錢了,該行為就是叫 “bluffing” 。相對來看,如果是人與人之間的互動,一方面故意的誇大語氣、操作另外一方的心情與行為時、也是情感上的 “bluffing”。

An experienced poker player can always call someone’s bluff, but even the most confident person can misestimate the opponent’s hand.

Carla always threatens her boyfriend with breakup if he doesn’t do everything she says. After a while, he called her bluff, realized that he deserves to share his life with someone who doesn’t manipulate him, and broke up with her.

看看影片裡面的例句 (1:06開始):

【經典電影片段】瞞天過海 教你怎麼出老千 (Ocean’s Eleven (1/5) Movie CLIP – Calling Out the Bluff (2001) HD)


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圖/Viktor Hanacek
