背單字小技巧:掌握字首!常見的字首整理第二彈 mega、post、pre 是什麼意思?

mega/ pre/ post/ inter/ trans


英文字首 (Prefix) 有什麼功用


1. Mega 大;百萬倍

“Mega” 來自希臘文中的 “megas”(巨大的),在英文的運用之間,也自然的成為「巨大的」(great) 的意思。而在數字的代表中,“mega” 自首的出現是「百萬倍」的意思。如果是單獨的 “mega” 單字,意思就是「許多」、「非常」。在英文千變萬化的轉換中,也可以把 “mega” 放在各種不同的字的前面,製造強調的語態。就像我們可以說 “Learning prefixes and have fun at the same time is mega-cool!” (快快樂樂地把英文字首學好超級酷!)

英語實用字首─ “Mega” (百萬倍)

mega 許多;非常

megabuck 一百萬美金(口語)

megacity 百萬人口以上之城市

Tokyo, Jakarta, Seoul, Delhi, and Shanghai are the most populated megacities in the world.

mega-church 大型教堂

mega-dose 巨型劑量

megahertz 兆赫

megalith 巨石

megalomania 自大狂

好奇「各種狂」的英文怎麼講?>>> 形容各種不同的狂熱行為的單字大集合!

megapixel 百萬像素

A digital image with insufficient megapixels will appear blurry when it is enlarged.

megastar 巨星

mega-structure 巨型結構

The Three Gorges Dam in China’s Hubei providence is one of the most famous mega-structures in the world.

megaton 百萬噸級(核武器威力的計算單位)

A metric ton is one thousand kilograms, and a megaton is the equivalent of one billion kilograms.

megavolt 兆伏

megawatt 兆瓦

2. Pre 在前;預先

在拉丁文中,“pre” 的原型是 “prae”。“Pre” 在英文中是常見的字首,“prefix” (字首) 這個字本身就是最好的例子!“Pre” 也被運用於形容許多不同與時間、空間、順序有關的情景。如果看到熟悉的字前面出現 “pre”,通常都可以安全的推理,自首後面的字的意義還保留者,只是增加了「之前」的概念。

preadolescent 青春期前

prearranged 預先安排

People who believe in prearranged marriages don’t always believe romance is an essential component in maintaining a lasting relationship.

precaution 預防;警惕;謹慎

precede 處在……之前

precook 預煮

Before baking the lasagna, the lasagna noodles have to be precooked.

predetermined 預定

The results of the beauty pageant were predetermined because the judges were bribed.

predict 預言;預料;預報

preexist 事先存在

Filling out a health insurance application that request the applicant to list all his preexisting health conditions is a tedious process.

prefabricate 預先製造;預先構思

preface 序言;引言

A new edition of a book with a new preface can bring the readers a new perspective on the story.

prefix 字首;加……作為字首

preheat 預先加熱

Preheating the oven is the first step while baking a cake or cookies.

prehistory 史前時代史

prejudgment 在審問之前判決

prejudice 偏見;歧視

Pride and Prejudice is a classic story that teaches us to not judge a person by first impressions.

prekindergarten 學前班

Many language schools also serve as prekindergarten for toddlers.

prepaid 預先付的;已付的

Since digital technology has been offering free and unlimited phone call services, prepaid internationally phone cards are gradually becoming rare.


3. Post 在後面;之後

“Post” 與拉丁文的 “post” 同型,是「後面」(behind) 或者「之後」(after) 的意思。“Post” 是 “pre” 的相反,也是常常出現的字首。“Postpone” (延後) 就是具體的例子,還有 “posterior” (尾部的) 也是很好的例子,而 “posterior” 在英文中也幽默的轉變為「臀部」的意思。

postcolonial 殖民地時期之後的

Even in the postcolonial eras, the evidence of colonization can be seen throughout Asia.

postdated 以後生效;遠期

posterior 後面的;尾部的;背部的;臀部

Many offices are building gyms to encourage employees to exercise, because sitting on one’s posterior all day could be detrimental to one’s health.

postgraduate 大學畢業後的;研究生的

post-industrialism 工業化後

postmodernism 後現代主義

Postmodernism arts and literature genres are often rebellious, daring, and unconventional.

post-modification 修正後

postmortem  死後的;驗屍的

postnuptial 結婚後的

postpartum 產後的

postpone 使延期;延遲;延緩

postscript (P.S.) 附筆;又及

postwar 戰後

4. Inter 之中;之間

“Inter” 與拉丁文的 “inter” 同型,是「中間」 (between) 或者 「之間」(among) 的意思 。在英文中,有 “inter” 為字首的也表達了「互動」 (interact) 與「介入」 (intervene) 的意思。“International” 也自然的成為「國際間」,“interracial” 也就是「種族之間」的意思。“Interstate” 是翻譯為「州與州之間」,可是如果是在美國,也是「州際公路」的意思。

interact 互動

intercommunication 互相聯繫;相互溝通

intercontinental 大陸間的;洲際的

interconnect 使互相連接;使互相聯繫

intercostal 肋間的

Deep breathing exercises help us strengthen our intercostal muscles between the ribs.

inter-culture 跨文化

interdependent 相互依賴的;互助的

interdisciplinary 跨學科

In special circumstances, many universities would allow the students to develop their own interdisciplinary studies, and create their own majors.

intergalactic 銀河間的

interracial 不同人種間的

In the beginning of the 20th century, interracial marriage was still against the law in some first-world nations.

interrelated 有互相關係的

interrelationship 相關關係,相互聯繫

international 國際性的,國際間的

Globalization, international relations, and transparency of information are making the Millennial generation evolving much faster than the X-Generations, and the Baby Boomers.

interchange 交換,互換

interface 界面,分界面

As social media evolve, our digital lives are becoming essential interfaces that help us interact with each other.

interfere 妨礙;衝突;抵觸

interflow 合流;混合;交流

interfuse 混入;混合

interject 插話,插嘴

intersperse 散置,散布

interstate 州與州之間的;州際公路

The interstate highways in the United States of America changed the nation’s economy by allowing goods and services to be driven to every state with speed and efficiency.

intervene 插進;介入;介於中間

5. Trans 橫穿;橫斷;通過

“Trans” 與拉丁文的 “trans” 同型,是「橫越」(across) 的意思 。在英文中,通常看到 “trans” 的字首出現時,整個字的意思都是與「穿越」或「改變」有關。“Transcontinental” 就是「橫貫大陸」,“transform” 也自然的是「改觀」。

transcend 超越

transcontinental 橫貫大陸

transcript 抄本;謄本;副本;成績報

trans-fat 反式脂肪

For the sake of promoting healthy diets, many universities have stopped serving food with trans-fat.

transform 使改變;使改觀

The series of Transformers movies includes the original Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Transformers: Age of Extinction.

transgress 違反;違背

transnational 跨國的

transgender 變性

In modern day society, transgender, trans-sexuality, same-sex relationships are no longer forbidden topics for discussion in cultural studies.

transplant 移植

The advanced medical technologies in Turkey, France, United States, and Spain have successfully performed face transplant procedures.

transport 運輸

transsexual 經過手術改變性別者

transverse 橫向的;橫斷的;橫切的

In geometry, if a line transverses two or more parallel lines, it is called a transversal.

transvestite 變裝癖者


【英文技巧】一次搞定「否定字首」 “un”, “dis”, “in”, “im”, “non” (English Grammar: Negative Prefixes

猜英文單字意思小技巧:看字首!5 個常用的英文字首大公開 


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