


畢竟,在電影、影集中也會看到…小心別把 “It’s not working out” 誤會成「它不工作了」還是什麼「它沒在健身」之類的。



It’s not working out. 這樣下去不會有結果的。
When something is not going according to plan or expectations, then it’s not working out. (當事情沒有照著計畫或期望走時,則這樣下去不會有結果的。)
work out也可以指解決問題(solve)、做出某事、成功(succeed)、或健身。

I caught you. 我抓到你(偷吃)了。

Force sth. upon sb. 強迫某人做某事
When you try to do something unwillingly or make someone else do something against their will(當你自己或使他人違背意願去做某事)

Part ways 分開(手)
To separate. (分開)
They are still friends after they parted ways.



Time to get over it. 該放下了
To not be upset about it any longer and not to let it affect your emotions any longer. (不再因此而感到難過或影響到自己的情緒)

Move on 向前走吧
To end an existing relationship and find a new one.(結束先前的關係並去找尋新一段關係)/ To put a difficult experience behind one and progress mentally or emotionally.(放下艱澀的過往經驗並在精神或情緒上繼續向前走)



reciprocate (v.) 回應、回報
To return what you receive. (回報)
If someone loves you, and you love them back, that’s reciprocating their love.

devastated (a.) 滿目瘡痍的
Shattered or destroyed or to be under great emotional pain. (破碎、毀壞或指在極大情感上的傷痛中)

分手也許使人devastated,但畢竟不是世界末日。希望大家都能找到自己的價值(self-worth)並向前走(move on),學習放下、放過自己然後更積極、勇敢地面對每一天。

Source: Relationships English- Breaking up a relationship
Photo Sources: 1. Christopher Michel, CC Licensed 2. Christopher Michel, CC Licensed


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