[影片] 悲慘世界音樂劇10週年紀念演唱會(第二幕) Les Misérables 10th Anniversary Concert Act 2

http://tw.voicetube.com/videos/758 (第二幕)
http://tw.voicetube.com/videos/565 (第一幕)

0:28 – On My Own 形單影隻
9:31 – A little fall of rain 絲絲情雨
18:26 – Drink with me 與我同飲
21:33 – Bring him home 帶他平安回來
32:53 – Javert’s suicide 賈維自裁
39:41 – Empty chairs at empty tables 望空興嘆
44:06 – A heart full of love-reprise 熱愛滔滔(二)
48:12 – Epilogue (Finale) 曲終人散

最後1:01:45的大合唱,17國的尚萬強用各自不同語言唱出《Do you hear the people sing?》

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