tear, present, desert 這些單字原來都有兩種唸法?!5 個有不同發音的單字

content 重音放不同的位置,意思有不同嗎?


1. present 

present [ˋprɛznt]: (n.) 禮物 ; (adj.) 在場的
當重音放在最前面,這時 pre e 發音像 「ㄟ」,present 有兩種意思,一個是「禮物」,而另一個是表示「在場的」。作為「禮物」是很常見的解釋,而作為「在場的」要注意,一般來說我們會這樣用:to be present.

Do you know what Alice likes? I’m trying to buy her a birthday present, but I have no idea what to get.
你知道 Alice 喜歡什麼嗎?我在試著幫她挑選生日禮物,但是我完全沒有頭緒該買什麼。

I’m going to a family dinner tonight, and all my cousins will be present.

present [prɪˋzɛnt]: (v.) 呈現 ; 引見
當重音放在第二個音節, 這時 pre e 發音像 「ㄧ」present 是「呈現」的意思。

Hi class, may I present our guest speaker, Mr. Clark. He will give a speech on how to improve your writing.
各位同學,請允許我向你們介紹我們邀請的演說者 Mr. Clark.。他會告訴你們如何讓寫作進步。

2. desert

desert [ˋdɛzɚt] (n.) 沙漠
當重音放在最前面時,desert 用來指「沙漠」。

They have been lost in the desert for 3 days. I’m really worried that their condition is deteriorating rapidly due to the lack of water.

desert [dɪˈzɜːt] (v.) 拋棄
而當重音放在第二個音節的時候,desert 是「拋棄」的意思。

I cannot believe that woman deserted her baby a week after he was born.

* 千萬要注意!當 desert 當作動詞「拋棄」的時候,發音和 dessert 「甜食」非常相似,很容易混淆。但其實這兩個字除了意思完全不一樣,連拼法也不同喔!

dessert [dɪˋzɝt] (n.) 甜食

I really like to eat sweet stuff. To me, a meal  is not complete without dessert.

3. content

content [kənˋtɛnt] (adj.) 滿足的
當重音放在第二個音節的時候,content 是用來表示「滿足的」。

I am so busy with internship and classes that sometimes I struggle with the lack of sleep, but I am somehow content with this lifestyle.

content [ˋkɑntɛnt] (n.) 內容
當重音放在第一個音節時,content 指的是「內容」。

I think this movie is very funny, and the animated characters are cute, but I wouldn’t recommend it to my friends because it lacks content.

4. live

live [lɪv]: (v.) 活
live 作為動詞表示「活」,i 發音像「ㄧ」

She was born in Taiwan, but now she lives in Canada.

live [laɪv]: (adj.) 實況的
live 當作形容詞表示「實況的」,i 發音像「ㄞ」

Since I didn’t get the tickets to watch the game this Saturday, I plan to stay home and watch it live on TV.

5. tear

tear [tɛr]: (v.) 撕開
tear 作為動詞表示 「撕開」的時候,ea 會發類似「ㄟ」的音

When she was really mad at her boyfriend, Sandy tore up all the letters that he had given her.
因為 Sandy 生她男朋友的氣,她撕掉所有他以前寫給她的信。

*tear 作為動詞,它的變化是不規則的:
原形:tear, 過去動詞:tore, 過去分詞:torn

tear [tɪr]: (n.) 眼淚
tear 當作名詞指「眼淚」的時候,ea 會發「ㄧ」的音

I’m crying not because I’m sad but because I’m touched, so what you see are actually tears of joy.


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圖/ Dan Warner, CC Licensed
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