
這並非 party animal (派對狂) 的專利唷!
今天 VoiceTube 要告訴你從開場到說再見會用到的所有用語!

一、各種 party 派對種類:

1. 主題派對:theme party
2. 泳池派對:pool party
3. 大型狂歡派對:rave party
4. 狂飲作樂的派對:booze-up
5. 喬遷派對:housewarming party
6. 告別派對 (歡送會/離別會):farewell party
7. 睡衣派對:pajamas party (slumber party)
8. 雞尾酒派對:cocktail party (drinks party)
9. 變裝派對:costume party (fancy-dress party)
10. 告別單身漢派對:bachelor party (stag night/party)
→ bachelor:單身男子,單身漢;學士:Bachelor
11. 告別單身女派對:bachelorette party (hen night/party)

邀請朋友參加 pool party,要穿什麼衣服去呢?


1. to give:

Bob gave his girlfriend a very unforgettable birthday party.

2. to have:

They decided to have a party at the end of the semester to celebrate that they had passed all the exams.

3. to throw:

Selina will throw a party for her best friend for the bachelorette party before the wedding.

[動作喜劇 電玩高校3] 中提到 throw a party

4. to hold:

We will hold a housewarming party one week after we move in the new house. And you are all invited.

5. to host:

Jeff will host a theme party but he hasn’t known what theme for the dress code yet.

→ dress code:是常常在派對,或者正式場合的邀請卡 (函) 上特別註明的著裝標準,參加的每個人都必須要遵守規定才能入場。有些會要求必須要穿著正式、半正式、晚宴服,或者依據主題來規定。


1.  to go (come):派對、節慶等 (party、Christmas、carnival)

2. to attend 會議、大規模演講、婚喪典禮等 (conference 、meeting、seminar)

一般指參加時要專心、鄭重或嚴肅,屬於被邀請而參加當聽眾 (觀眾或客人) 。

3. to participate (in)/to take part (in)


4. to join:俱樂部、政治黨派等 (club、party、team)


5. to enter:參加競選

例如:to enter the contest for President 參加選舉總統競選

6. to sit/to take:參加考試

例如:to sit an English exam 參加英語考試、to take a maths exam 參加數學考試、to take a driving test 參加駕駛考試


1. 與認識的人打招呼:

– Hey, bro! How’s it going?  嘿,兄弟,最近好嗎?

– Where have you been lately? How are you?  你去哪兒啦?好久沒看到你了!還好嗎?

– It’s been so long. What have you been up to?  久不見,過得如何?

– Oh, dear. You look stunning!  噢,親愛的,你看起來太令人驚艷了!

2. 與不認識的人打招呼:

– Hello! How’s going? I’m Trevor. Nice to meet you.  妳好,我是崔佛,很高興認識妳。

– Hey, there! Have we met? You look familiar.  請問我們有見過嗎?妳看起來怎麼這麼眼熟?

– Hey! How do you like the party?  嘿,妳還喜歡這個派對嗎?

– I’m the birthday girl’s high school best friend. And you are her…?  我是壽星高中的麻吉,你是她的…?

3. 帶入話題:

– So, what do you do?  所以你是從事哪行呢?

–  Really? Don’t tell me you’re also a lawyer in the city!  難不成你也是在這城市執業的律師嗎?

– No way! I’m also a big fan! Have you also seen other Hunger Games movies?  真的假的?我也超愛「飢餓遊戲」的!你還有看過這部電影其他集嗎?

– Do you have any plan(s) tomorrow?  那你明天有什麼計劃呢?

4. 道別:

– I’m going to get another drink. I’ll catch you later.  我要再去買一杯酒,待會再聊噢!

– It’s nice meeting you. Hope you enjoy your night.  很高興認識你,好好享受這個夜晚!

– If you don’t mind, can I have your number? Let’s keep in touch.  如果你不介意的話,可以給我你的電話嗎?我們可以保持聯繫。

– Sorry, I have to catch the MRT. It’s pretty late. Bye.  抱歉,很晚了,我要去趕捷運了,再見!



下次的 party 就能輕鬆應對囉!
Have fun!


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文/Jenny Hsu
編輯/ Henry Lin
來源/ 學英語易犯的錯誤看BBC學英文Cambridge Dictionaries Online奇摩字典
作者簡介  VoiceTube 看影片學英語
學英文不是艱難的任務,而是一種融入生活的自然態度。今天起,丟掉厚重的教科書,每日鎖定 VoiceTube看影片學英語官方部落格,給自己一個流利『用』英語的機會!