【職場實用】我有三年工作經驗 = I have 3-year working experience?我會聯繫你=I will contact with you?你也犯了這些錯嗎?

I will contact with him.
I have 3-year working experience.
Our loading is really heavy.

先培養一下辦公室的氣氛吧!15 件上班族都會遇到的事,神準ㄋㄟ!


1. My job is… (X)
I work as…/I’m a… (O)

想像當面試官問你:“Tell me about your current job”,我們似乎很自然會回答:”My job is a teacher.”,但在英文中, job 是一個東西,而職業像是 dentist、doctor 或 lawyer 指的都是,兩者是不對等的,不能這樣使用。

因此,當別人問你起你的職業,如果你是老師,就要回答:”I’m a teacher.” 或是 ”I work as a teacher.” 來表達「我是一位老師」。

A: What do you do?
A: 你做什麼工作?
B: I’m a nurse. / I work as a nurse.
B: 我是一位護士。

2. I will contact with him. (X)
I will contact him. (O)

contact 當成動詞用時,絕對不會和 with 連用喔!例如:

Have you contacted Mr. Huang yet?

但你也許會納悶,因為你真的有聽過或看過 contact with 的印象,其實你也沒有錯喔!contact 的確會和 with 連用,但是在 contact 做名詞時,例如:

Scientists in the US have been trying to make contact with aliens.

職場上,我們常常會問有沒有和某客戶或某廠商聯繫、聯絡,這時就可以用 in contact with,如:

Have you been in contact with our supplier?

電影 《As Good as It Gets》(中譯:愛在心裡口難開),女生角和男主角說:

“It’s best for me to not have contact with you because you’re just not ready…”


 “She doesn’t want to have contact with me.”


  • make contact with 和誰接觸
  • be in contact with 和誰保持聯繫
  • have contact with 和誰連絡
  • want contact with 想要有連絡

發現了嗎?contact with 前面都有動詞喔!也就是在這些例句裡,contact 都是做名詞使用所以才會有 with 喔!趕快唸十遍 I’ll contact you. 下次別再脫口說出 with 囉!

3. Our loading has been heavy recently. (X)
Our workload has been heavy recently. (O)

常常聽到別人說:「唉…天天都要加班,loading 很重。」但其實這樣說是錯誤的哦! loading 是指「負荷、載重」,尤其是指車輛、橋樑、機械等的負荷。

若要指「工作量」或「工作負荷」則要用 workload,heavy/light load 是指「工作量的輕重」。

Due to the large quantity of orders, our workloads have been really heavy recently.

Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.

4. I have 3-year working experience. (X)
I have 3 years of working experience. (O)

3-year 是形容詞,但在這裡要強調的是數量,總共三年的經驗,因此以 working experience 來說,”3 years of” working experience 會是較合適的。小 V 再舉一些例句給你:

This is a 2-year contract (O)  這是個為期兩年的合約。

This is a 6-month position (O)  這是個為期六個月的職位。

This position includes 6 months of training. (O)  在這個職位需要接受六個月的訓練。

This position includes 6-month training. (X)

【職場的進擊】被問到 Talk about yourself 時,別以為是個簡單的問題!

5. Could you go back to the previous PPT? (X)
Could you go back to the previous slide? (O)

PPT 是台灣人對 PowerPoint 的簡稱,但外國人並不會這樣說,他們稱每一頁獨立的投影片為 slide。所以別再和外國客戶說 PPT 了,他們可是會一頭霧水呢!

Could you go back to the previous slide? I didn’t quite get your point.



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文/ 阿里
編輯/ Ann Lu
圖片/ Pixabay, CC Licensed.
作者簡介/ VoiceTube看影片學英語
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