


go to bed:就寢;上床睡覺;上床休息
crawl into bed;爬上床
doze off:打瞌睡;打盹
drift off :不知不覺中睡著了
power nap:小睡/補眠
forty winks: 白天小睡;打盹;午餐后小憩
(“wink” 是「眨眼」的意思,四十次的眨眼就是暫時休息一下)

fall asleep;入睡
go straight to sleep;直接去睡覺;馬上睡著
put someone to sleep;使某人入睡
catch up on sleep:補充睡眠

out like a light:很快睡著;酣然入睡
sleep soundly:sound asleep:沉睡
sleep tight:睡得香;睡個好覺;睡安穩;安眠

sleep heavily:睡得很熟
heavy sleeper:睡得非常熟的人;不容易醒來的人
big sleep: 長眠不醒;死亡的委婉说法

sleep like a log:睡得跟木頭一樣;一動不動
sleep like a baby:睡得跟寶寶一樣甜;甜睡

sleep in:遲起床;睡過頭
sleep around the clock:一直睡;二十四小時不斷地睡覺

stay up late:深夜不睡;遲睡
pull an all-nighter:熬夜
up at all hours:深更半夜不睡覺;白天黑夜任何時候都不睡覺

ungodly hour:深夜;不適當的時候
night owl:夜貓子

sleep lightly:惊醒;睡得不熟
light sleeper:睡眠易惊醒的人;睡眠很淺容易被吵醒的人

sleep restlessly:睡眠不寧;睡不寧
restless sleeper :睡眠不寧的人;睡不寧

not sleep a wink:沒合眼;一刻也沒睡
toss and turn:翻来覆去;難以入睡
lose sleep:擔心的睡不著;心神不寧無法入眠
sleep deprived:睡眠不足;缺乏睡眠

sleep on it:先不去想它;把問題留在第二天解決
do something in one’s sleep: 睡覺時都可以做的事;非常熟練的事

let sleeping dogs lie:不要去惹正在睡覺的狗,因為它不會咬人;不要招惹不需要的麻煩
sleeping giant:沉睡的巨人;潛力尚未得到充分發揮的國家,公司,或者人



1. 熟練的感覺

Every night, Sam reads a story to his son Samuel, who often requests his favorite story The Cat in the Hat. After repetitively reading the same story out loud many times over the years, Sam has become able to tell Samuel the story ________________.

A) by losing sleep

B) with his forty winks

C) with insomnia

D) in his sleep

2. 不好的習慣

Stephen has the habit of _____________, and often misses his morning classes.  When he realized that he will fail the class because of his poor attendance, he started to _______________, because he might not graduate on time.

A) sleeping in, lose sleep

B) lose sleep, sleeping in

C) staying up at all hours, be a sleeping giant

D) sleep on it, study in his sleep

3. 現代人的問題

______________ is a condition that affects millions of people. The lack of sleep often causes mood disorders, concentration problems, and even weight gain.

A) insomnia

B) crawling into bed

C) dozing off

D) getting forty winks

4. 不怕噪音的人

Scully has always been a ______________. Even when she travels to crowded cities, she always ______________ through the night, and never feel disturbed by street noises.

A) light sleeper, falls straight to sleep

B) heavy sleeper, sleeps soundly

C) night owl, become sleep deprived

D) insomniac, sleeps like a log

5. 有睡眠障礙的人

Sawyer is a _______________ who often wakes up in the middle of the night.   Sometimes he would walk to the 24-hour grocery store to pick up some snacks, or read a novel, because he is tired of ________________ for hours without being able to go back to sleep.

A) heavy sleeper, tossing and turning

B) sleeping giant, reading in his sleep

C) light sleeper, tossing and turning

D) light sleeper, catching up on sleep

【學知識】如果一直都不睡覺,還能活嗎? What If You Stopped Sleeping?


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  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C