小心混淆!填表格到底是 fill in 還是 fill out? oversee 和 overlook 原來不一樣!

填表格到底是 fill in 還是 fill out? see 和 look 都有「看」的意思,
那 oversee 和 overlook 也有一樣的意思嗎?英文還有哪些矛盾的字詞呢?

1. 如果 slim chance = 機會渺茫,那 fat chance = 很有機會?

slim (adj.) 纖細的
fat (adj.) 肥胖的

明明 slim 跟 fat 兩個字完全相反,但 slim chance 跟 fat chance 竟然都是「機會渺茫」的意思?雖然兩者都很相似,但使用的場合不一樣。slim chance 單純用來陳述機會不大,較為正式的用語;而 fat chance 帶有立場,語氣是反諷,使用起來像是中文的「怎麼可能」或是「門都沒有」。

There’s only a slim chance that I’ll get the job. The interview didn’t go well.

Do you really think I will forgive you? Fat chance.

2. parkway 用來 park (停車),driveway 用來 drive(開車)?

雖然是 “park” way 跟 “drive” way,但 parkway 原來是指「風景區幹道」或是「園道」,是公園或風景區裡面,讓車子行走的道路,所以這裡的 park 其實是公園的意思。而 driveway 則是車庫與道路中間的車道,是許多家庭用來停車的地方。

You park on a driveway, and drive on a parkway.



 3.  如果 The lights are out. 是燈沒有開,那 The stars are out 是看不到星星?

別被騙了!The lights are out. 與 The stars are out. 兩句的 out 意思不一樣。前者的 out 為熄滅或是機器停止停轉的意思,例如:

I couldn’t fall asleep because my AC went out on a hot summer day.

後者的 out 則是「在外」的意思,是平常較常看到的字義,例如:

Ricky isn’t home. He’s out walking the dog.

因此,The lights are out. 是指熄燈了,而 The stars are out. 則是指星星「出來」了,在外面看得到星星。

On a clear day like this, the stars will be out tonight.

4. 如果 oversee = 監督,see 跟 look 都是「看」,所以 overlook = 監督?

明明 see 跟 look 都是「看」,但 oversee 不等於 overlook。oversee 意思是「監督」,例如:

He was hired to oversee the company’s new headquarter in Brazil.

overlook 則是「漏看」的意思,例如:

The editor was fired because she overlooked 10 grammar mistakes in a single article.
編輯被開除了,因為光一篇文章就漏看 10 個文法錯誤。

5. 如果 fill in a form 是填好表格,那 fill out a form 是…?

沒錯,雖然 in 跟 out 是相反意思,但 fill in 跟 fill out 用於表單或申請表時都同樣是「填寫」的意思!若是硬要分,fill in 比較偏向將小的空格填滿,而 fill out 的範圍比較大,像是整張申請表或是問卷

I was filling out my application form, but there was a blank that I didn’t know what to fill in.

fill in 也可以用於其他地方,例如 fill in for sb.「臨時代替某人;代替某人的位子」的意思,例如:

I’m going abroad next month, and I need someone to fill in.

fill sb. in on sth. 是「向某人說某事的詳情」,例如:

He went on a honeymoon for a week. Someone needs to fill him in on what has happened.


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 文/Jonathan Tan
圖/ Jose Melendez, BrendelDamian Morys CC Licensed
來源/Richard Lederer’s “Crazy English”
作者簡介_VoiceTube HERO 團隊
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