說到「此外」只想到 besides?6 個進階「此外」英文用法

除了 besides 之外,大家想得出幾個可以替換「此外」的同義詞?
這邊教大家 6 個「此外」英文用法,

句子之間常常需要承上啟下的「此外」加以連接。但總不可能 besides 從頭用到尾。下面介紹幾個「此外」的進階用法,派上用場時讓人印象深刻!

我們先看看大家耳熟能詳的 besides。

1. besides (adv.)

besides是台灣學生最熟悉的「此外」用字。由於不少人對這個字很熟悉,因此使用上常常掉以輕心。連不少英文優秀的專業人士也常常掉入 besides 的陷阱!

陷阱 1:besides vs beside

很多人常常把這兩個只有1個s之差的英文字搞混。首先,besides 可以當副詞和介係詞用,而 beside 是介係詞,是「在旁邊」的意思。

I was so lucky! Hugh Jackman sat beside me on the plane to Sydney!

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陷阱 2:besides 的用法

(1) besides 是副詞,所以放在句首和句中的方式略有不同。
我們來看看 Cobuild 字典的例句。

The house was too expensive and too big. Besides, I’d grown fond of our little rented house.

The house was too expensive and too big; besides, I’d grown fond of our little rented house.
The house was too expensive and too big, and besides, I’d grown fond of our little rented house.

The house was too expensive and too big, and besides, I’d grown fond of our little rented house.
原因是 besides 是副詞,而副詞不能連接兩個完整的句子,而是一定要加 and 等連接詞或是分號,才合乎文法規則。

Besides, S+V . . .
S+V . . . ; besides, S+V . . .
S+V . . . , and besides, S+V . . .

而其實不只是 besides 這樣用,具備「連接詞功能的副詞」都是這樣用喔!

(2) besides 還可以當成介係詞用,意思也是「此外」。

We have lots of things in common besides music.

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熟悉了 besides 的用法後,我們來進軍「進階版」此外用法。

2. also (adv.) 並且;此外

Ellen Page just came out of the closet last February. Also, Tim Cook finally came out as gay publicly last October.
演員 Ellen Page 在去年 2 月出櫃。此外,庫克在同年 10 月也出櫃承認自己的同志身份。

3. additionally (adv.) 除此之外


Additionally, the central bank cut interest rates at the weekend for the fourth time in seven months.
此外,央行在週末降息,也是近 7 個月以來第 4 度降息。

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4. in addition/in addition to 此外/除……之外

in addition = additionally

In addition, the central bank cut interest rates at the weekend for the fourth time in seven months.

in addition to + N 用法和 besides 當介係詞時一樣。

In addition to Louisa and Diana, Larry was seeing Kathy last year.
除了 Louisa 和 Diana 以外,(腳踏三條船的) Larry 去年也和 Kathy 交往。

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5. on top of that 除此之外

根據劍橋字典的解釋,on top of that 的定義是
in addition to something, especially something unpleasant
除了( 尤指令人不快之事) 之外 (還)

In addition to heavy rain, our train was delayed.

這邊要注意的是,儘管字典對 on top of that 的解釋帶有「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」的感覺,但其實 native speaker 並不這麼認為。On top of that 基本上是中性的用法,可以用在負面,也可以用在正面的情境。

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6. apart from/alongside this 此外

The company posted quarter loss last quarter. Apart from/alongside this, it faced competition from its rivals.

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文/ Estelle Shen
Word Reference劍橋字典Cobuild 字典牛津字典
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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