「只是」用 just 跟 only 就弱掉了!聽到You can’t be too careful也別愣住,十個超好用強調句型報你知

I only love you. → 弱
I love no one but you. → 強

要出門前聽到別人跟你說 “You can’t be too careful.”

It is you that I love.

It is/was + 被強調之人事物 + that 子句

Perseverance made him successful.
→ It is perseverance that made him successful. (是毅力讓他成功。 )

It was Tom who broke the window. (是 Tom 打破窗戶的。)
It was yesterday that Jane got married. (Jane是昨天結婚的。)

What on earth are you talking about?

五個 W (when, where, why, who, what)、一個 H (how) 這些疑問詞後面加上 on earth, the hell, the devil, the heck 等字,可以加強你問句的語氣,中文大概是「究竟、到底」的意思,不過語氣還要稍強一些些

What the devil? (搞什麼鬼?)
Who the hell are you? (你究竟是誰?)
What the heck did you do?  (你到底做了什麼?)

You cannot be too careful when crossing the street.

cannot…… too + adj./ adv.
= cannot + over類動詞

We can’t love our parents too much.
→ 字面上是我們不能太愛父母,實際上它是強調語氣,意思為「我們再怎麼愛父母也不為過」,意即「我們應該多愛父母」。
We can’t overemphasize the importance of the environmental protection.
= We can’t emphasize the importance of the environmental protection too much.

I can’t help laughing.

cannot help + Ving
= cannot (help) but + 原形 V.

She can’t help but stare at the guy over there. (她忍不住凝視那邊那位男生)
He can’t help following her every command. (他不得不答應她的所有要求)

補充:have no choice but + to V  「除了……別無選擇」
I have no choice but to leave. (我除了離開,別無選擇。)

注意的是這些句型用的是原形動詞、動名詞 Ving,還是不定詞 to V 唷!

You are nothing but smart.

V + nothing but + N/ V/ Adj.

He drinks nothing but beer. (他什麼都不喝,只喝啤酒)
I did nothing but sleep yesterday. (我昨天什麼都沒做,只有睡覺)
I have nothing but you. (我只有你)

使用這個句型要注意 but 後面的字要與 nothing 對等。Nothing 前面的動詞與 but 後面的字要搭配到才行。

You are anything but smart.

與上一個句型完全相反,anything but 是指「….什麼都會,但就不會….」、「一點也不….」、「決不

I have anything but a girlfriend. (我什麼都有,就是沒有女朋友)
Sammy wants to be anything but a teacher. (Sammy 一點也不想當老師)
He is anything but an honest man. (他絕對不是一個誠實的人)

補充:你可以把 anything but 替換為 by no means/ far from

It never rains but pours.

never…. but  (+ S ) + V
never…. without + Ving

It never rains but it pours. (每次下雨都是傾盆大雨 → 引申為「禍不單行」、「屋漏偏逢連夜雨」)
He never appears without complaining his life. (他每次出現都一定會抱怨他的生活)

It’s nothing more than a joke.

nothing more than 可以翻成「僅僅是」、「不過是……罷了

After the accident, she can do nothing more than moving her eyes.
It’s nothing more than a historical event.

You are the last person I want to believe.

the last + N + to V                  ;「絕不會;最不可能
the last + N + 形容詞子句

You are the last person that will let me down. (你絕不會讓我失望的)
David is the last man that I want to marry. (我是絕對不可能跟David結婚的)
The last thing I want to do is to give up. (我決不放棄)

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文/ Wendy Chiang
參考來源/ Smileronald, EnglishHome, Yahoo字典, Jason瘋英文
圖片來源/ Donnie Ray Jones, CC Licensed.
●作者簡介 VoiceTube看影片學英語