英文口說與寫作,永遠只會 AND、BUT?換個萬年連接詞,英文瞬間三級跳!



文章開端,先來一首 — 連接詞之歌
連接詞 (Conjunction junction, Schoolhouse Rock – closed captioned)

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity and slow down one’s brain.

除了 連接詞 AND ,你還可以使用以下的副詞

1. in addition 

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. In addition, it could slow down one’s brain.

2. additionally 

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. Additionally, it could slow down one’s brain.

3. besides 

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. Besides, it could slow down one’s brain.

4. further 

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. It could further slow down one’s brain.

5. furthermore

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. Furthermore, it could slow down one’s brain.

6. moreover

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity. Moreover, it could slow down one’s brain.

7. as well as

Eating too much fast food could cause obesity as well as slow down one’s brain.

讓專業的老師告訴你,in addition, moreover, furthermore怎麼用
英文寫作技巧 (Writing – Transitions – in addition, moreover, furthermore, another)

Fast food offers convenience, but it contains high calories.

除了連接詞 BUT,你還可以使用以下副詞

1. by/in contrast

Fast food offers convenience. In contrast, it contains high calories.

2. on the contrary

Fast food offers convenience. On the contrary, it contains high calories.

3. on the other hand

Fast food offers convenience. On the other hand, it contains high calories.

4. however

Fast food offers convenience. However, it contains high calories.

5. nevertheless/ nonetheless

Fast food offers convenience. Nevertheless, it contains high calories.

6. while〔連接詞〕

Fast food offers convenience while it contains high calories.

7. whereas〔連接詞〕

Fast food offers convenience, whereas it contains high calories.

補充: 你知道 while 與 meanwhile 的差別嗎?
當 或 同時 (Speaking English: WHILE or MEANWHILE?)


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文/ Maggie Shen
圖片來源:Pieter & Renée Lanser, CC Licensed.

作者簡介/  VoiceTube看影片學英語
