
沒關係,是時候讓小 V 幫你惡補數學英文了!

基礎英文數學單字 Basic MATH vocabulary in English


Addition 加法

1+2=3: One and two are three.
2+3=5:Two plus three equals five.
4+1=5: Four and one is equal to four.
45+70+152=267:45, 70 and 152 added are (or make) 267

Subtraction 減法

9-4=5:Nine minus four equals (or is equal to) five.
15-7=8:Seven from fifteen leaves eight.
23,654-8,175=15,479:8,175 (take or subtracted) from 23,654 leaves 15,479.

Multiplication 乘法

1×2=2:One multiplied by two equals two.
3×5=15:Three times five is fifteen.
6×0=0:Multiply six by zero, and the result is zero.

Division 除法

9÷3=3: Nine divided by three makes (or is equal to) three.
20÷5=4: Five into twenty goes four times.
4567÷23=198 餘 13:23 into 4567 goes 198 times, and 13 remainder. /  The quotient is 198, and 13 remainder.


Fractions 分數

1/2:a (or one) half
1/3:a (or one) third
1/4:a quarter or one fourth
1/5:a (or one) fifth
2/3:two thirds / two over three / or two by three
9/10:nine tenths / nine over ten / or nine by ten
5  3/4:five and three quarters
15/64:fifteen over/by sixty-four
15%:fifteen per cent

Decimals 小數

0.4:zero point four
.01:point o one
567.809:five hundred and sixty-seven point eight o nine
30.45:thirty point four five
0.3333333…..:point three repeating/recurring
0.3%:point three percent

Power and Root 冪次方 和 根號

bn 當中, b 被稱為底數 base,n 被稱為指數  power/exponent
bn:the nth power of b / b to the nth (power)
1×107:one times the seventh power of ten.
2 的平方:two square/two squared
3 的立方:three cube/three cubed
4 的 4 次方:four to the fourth power
5 的 -1 次方:five to the minus one power

總是認為數學很無趣嗎? 看看以下的影片或許你會改觀呢:
【TED】節拍下的數學邏輯 A-rhythm-etic. The math behind the beats


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文/ Derek Ho
來源/ Scribd
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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