
例如tread water本來是踢水、踏水的意思,引申為停滯不前


water rationing (n.) 限水

限水的英文可不是limit water唷!必須使用water rationing這個慣用語,ration是「定量配給」的意思,而限水就是指將水庫的水做限制、定量供給,因此英文使用water rationing。

e.g. If there is still a lack of rain, third-phase water rationing may be launched soon.
e.g. The Shihmen Reservoir, which supplies water to some parts of New Taipei City saw a record-low water level yesterday.
(供應新北市一些地區水量的石門水庫昨天的水位創新低了) 取自Taipei Times

phase (n.) 階段 → first-phase = phase one 第一階段
reservoir (n.) 水庫
water level (n.) 水位
drought (n.) 乾旱


inundate (v.) (洪水等)氾濫;如洪水般撲來

inundate 現在很常被用來形容某事如洪水般撲來,使人無法招架
inundate sb/sth with sth (主動式用法)
sb be inundated with sth (被動式用法)

e.g. The river inundated the fields with three feet of water. 那條河使田裡洪水氾濫到三英尺高
e.g. After the address, the speaker was inundated with questions. 講者在演說之後收到一連串的問題,無法招架


overwhelm (v.) 淹沒;壓倒

e.g. Despair overwhelmed you. 絕望將你淹沒了 (這裡的淹沒是抽象的意涵)

補充:overwhelming (adj.) 壓倒性的

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tread water  停滯不前

tread是「踩;踏」的意思,tread water是指(游泳)踢水、踏水,它還有另一個引申義是在原地踏水、停滯不前的意思。通常如果是表達「停滯不前」,用進行式居多。
e.g. The sales didn’t increase at all. The company is only treading water.


hold water  (言詞、論點、計畫)合理、站得住腳

e.g. What he said holds water. 他說的話是合理的
e.g. Your argument does not hold water. 你的論點站不住腳


throw/pour cold water on sth  潑冷水

e.g. Peter threw cold water on Kelly’s joke. Peter對Kelly的笑話潑冷水


test the water/waters 試試水溫

e.g. I’ve got some plans but I was not sure if they are feasible so I asked my friends to test the waters.


fish out of water  感到不自在的人;不得其所的人

fish out of water字面上是「離開水的魚」,引申為人因不熟悉環境而感到不自在或不得其所。
e.g. I feel like a fish out of water in the new company.


water off a duck’s back  (批評)對人沒有影響;耳邊風

e.g. Our criticism of his new plan is like water off a duck’s back.

天啊!輕功水上飄竟然重現江湖!?Walk on water (Liquid Mountaineering)

make one’s mouth water 讓人流口水

e.g. That beef noodles make my mouth water. 那牛肉麵真是讓我口水直流。



be in deep water 陷入困境
be in hot water 陷入困境(尤指因自己言行失檢導致的)
spend money like water 花錢如流水
sth is water under the bridge 某事物已事過境遷、覆水難收
blood is thicker than water 血濃於水


水水水~ 來看看超神奇的水吧!
比爾蓋茲化便便水為神奇?主持人喝給你看!Bill Gates and Jimmy Drink Poop Water



You never miss the water until the well runs dry.

希望大家都能把握當下,Seize the day! 🙂 

resource: EPT美語, 世博英語, TheFreeDictionary, Dictionary.com, 商業周刊, Taipei Times
photo source: Kay Kim, CC Licensed.


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