要用located in還是located on?20組常見的過去分詞+介系詞組合大公開!(上集)

要用 be interested in? 還是 be interested for?
何時用 be located on? 何時用 be located at?


● 在被動語態中,我們時常見到以下的句型:

be 動詞 + 過去分詞 + 介系詞 + 受詞



● 過去分詞 + 介系詞組合:

1. be/get bored with/by  對…感到厭煩
I am bored with eating out all the time.  我對吃外食感到厭煩。
Do cats get bored of the same foods?  貓會對吃一樣的食物感到厭煩嗎?
(近年來 be bored of 也漸漸地被大眾接受,不過最標準的說法還是 with 及 by)

2. be covered with  被…覆蓋
The mountain was covered with snow.  山被雪覆蓋了。
一般情況下使用 with 不會錯,不過如果要描述較抽象的涵蓋 (隱喻) 只能使用 by,例如:
The car damage was covered by insurance.  保險涵蓋了車子的損失。
因為車子不是真的被保險「蓋」住了,只是某種譬喻,這時候就得用 by。

3. be crowded with  被…擠滿
The streets are crowded with people.  街道被人群擠滿了。

4. be excited about  對…感到興奮
I am excited about my holiday.  我對我的假期感到興奮。


獲得狼 (Getting the Wolf)

5. be filled with  充滿
May your life be filled with happiness.  願你的生活充滿歡樂。

6. be finished with  完成
Tom is finished with his latest novel.  湯姆完成了他最新的小說。

7. be interested in  對…感興趣
I thought she might be interested in wildlife conservation.  我覺得她可能會對野生動物保育感興趣。

8. be located in/on/at  位於
當位置較廣時用 in (像是國家、城市、地區),例如:
The new school will be located in the center of town.  新學校將會位於市中心。
The new church will be located in Taipei.  新教堂將會位於台北。

當位置更詳盡時用 on (像是樓層、範圍較小的地點),例如:
The new church will be located on the side of Tamsui River.  新教堂將會位於淡水河邊。
My office is located on the 3rd floor.  我的辦公室位於3樓。


【英國逍遙遊】倫敦眼之旅 (London Eye Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia)

當位置精確時可以用 at (像是地址、某特定地點),例如:
He is located at Mary’s Restaurant. 他位於瑪莉餐廳。

9. be married to  和…結婚
I will be married to Sara.  我就要和莎拉結婚了。

10. be prepared for  對…有所準備
We should be prepared for any emergency.  我們該對任何緊急情況做好準備。



作者:Grace Wang

Source: Bored by, of, or with?“Covered with” vs. “covered in” vs. “covered by”被動語態與過去分詞
Picture source: Didier, CC Licensed.


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