一起加入Book Club讀書會,和Mark Zuckerberg迎向新的閱讀年!

全新的一年大家都有新的願望,Facebook創辦人Mark Zuckerberg也不例外,他在Facebook創辦了一個讀書會A Year Of Books。快來看看Mark Zuckerberg的讀書會,以及關於讀書會的英文用法!

A Year Of Books

: We will read a new book every two weeks and discuss it here. Our books will emphasize learning about new cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies.

在這個社團中,大家不只能夠一起討論這本書,還會邀請到作者來跟大家討論!欲知更多請到頁面最下方,進入A Year Of Books 的Facebook專頁!

The first book: The End Of Power by Moisés Naím

The second book: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

來看看Mark Zuckerberg在Facebook上怎麼說:

My challenge for 2015 is to read a new book every other week — with an emphasis on learning about different cultures, beliefs, histories and technologies.

Start A Book Club

1.What’s the ideal size for your book club? 最理想的讀書會規模?

It’s recommended that the ideal size for a book club is fewer than 10 people.

2.What’s the relations between members? 讀書會成員的關係?

It is better if members share common hobbies or are professional in similar fields.

3.What kind of books will you pick? 你們會選擇哪種書?

It depends on the members of the book club. Novel should be the most common one.
What’s more, it also depends on the purpose of your book club.
If your book club is just for fun, for meeting more friends, etc, then even a comic book can be the topic.
If your book club is to know more about everyone’s opinions on specific fields, then you should pick a book accordingly.

4.How long do you need for a book? 看一本書需要花多久時間?

It depends on the length of the book.

5.How often will you discuss? 你們多久討論一次?

It not only depends on the length of the book, but also depends on whether the members are free or not.

6.How long will your discussion be? 你們要討論多久?

“The longer, the better,” does not work here.
The point is you should discuss some meaningful topics, rather than arguing over some stupid personal ideas.

7.Who should host the discussion? 誰要主持討論?

There is usually a host to decide the questions and topics of discussion.
Everyone in the book club should take turns being the host, and thus having chances to ask the questions and opinions they would like to know themselves.


1. : someone who invites people to a meal or party, or to stay in their home.
e.g. They have brought a present for their hosts.

2. : someone who introduces and talks to the people taking part in a television or radio program
e.g. He has been a game show host for three years.

1. : to organize and be in charge of a meal or party for guests, especially an official one
e.g. Tom hosted a dinner for the whole company two weeks ago.

2. : to introduce and talk to the people taking part in a television or radio program

8.Do you need to record the discussion? 需要記錄你們討論的內容嗎?

It is not necessary to put down every word in your discussion.
Perhaps putting down the topics, questions and some good answers will be enough.

作者: Brant Tien

A Year Of Books: https://www.facebook.com/ayearofbooks
Mark Zuckerberg: https://www.facebook.com/ayearofbooks?pnref=story

Source: Facebook, Macmillan Dictionary
Photo Source: Flickr, CC Licensed