2015新企畫:特搜精選六大短片 教你如何改變人生!


Knowing that you’ll get it even if you haven’t gotten it yet. Because the most beautiful, complex concepts in the whole universe are built on basic ideas, that anyone can learn, anywhere can understand. 
(即使你現在做不到,有朝一日你一定能成功,因為在宇宙中最美、最複雜的概念就建立在這基本的道理上 ─ 每一人都有學習的本能,不管在哪裡都能領悟。)



Step 1: Assess the situation 評估現況
Step 2: write out your game plan 寫下你的作戰計劃
Step 3: An apology should be a conversation 道歉必須彼此交流
Step 4: Make amends 彌補過錯


Here you’ll learn about five drinks that not only prevent you from putting on unwanted weight but also help your body get rid of fat more easily!


Key idea number one: everything happens for a reason. 事出必有因。
Key idea number two: pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. 傷痛無可避免,折磨一念之間。
Key idea number three: make is-ness your business. 當前事物,才是首要之務。
Key idea number four — do the basics one day at a time. 順其自然,隨遇而安。


作者:Sylvia Chu
Photo Source: google