

hold on 等等、抓住

舉例:He held on tight to the rope and climbed down the building. (他緊緊抓住繩子,從樓上爬了下來。)
舉例:”Hold on!” I said to him, and pulled out my little dope book. (我對他說:「等一下」並拿出我的小記錄本。)

hold off 拖延、推遲

舉例:The football match had to hold off for about half an hour because of a driving rain. (一場大雨使足球比賽被迫推遲了半個小時。)

hold up 攔截、阻礙、推舉、支撐

舉例:They were held up by fog. (他們被霧所阻。)
舉例:The criminals held up the train. (罪犯攔截了火車。)
舉例:Don’t hold me up as a model husband. (別把我推舉為模範丈夫。)

※    Holdup (n.)持槍搶劫的意思喔!

舉例:There was a holdup in the bank this afternoon,but one of the holdup men was arrested on the spot.  (今天下午發生了銀行劫案,但其中一名劫匪當場被捕。)

hold out 堅持、抱有(希望)

舉例:He still holds out hope that they could be a family again. (他仍然希望他們能夠再次成為一家人。)
舉例:They held out against enemy for six months. (他們堅持不屈抗擊敵人達六個月之久。)

※    Holdout (n.) 堅持

舉例:Even France, until recently a holdout, has now proposed to raise the legal retirement age to 62 from 60.(甚至,至今以來一直在堅持著的法國政府,也已經建議將退休年齡由60歲延緩到62歲。)

hold over 延期 

舉例:You can hold over the matter till next week. (你可以延緩到下星期處理這件事。)

hold against 抱住、因…對(某人)抱有成見

舉例:She held the baby against her chest. (她將寶寶抱在胸前。)
舉例:She wouldn’t hold it against you that you have let her down once before. (你以前曾使她失望這件事不會使她對你抱有成見。)
※    hold grudge against 記仇

hold onto 緊緊抓住、保持

舉例:He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff. (他拼命掙扎著去抓懸崖壁上的一塊岩石。)
舉例:Hold onto this paper and use it as motivation when you don’t feel like doing anything. (保存好這張紙,當你不想做任何事情的時候把它作為動力。)

hold back 控制、阻止、退縮

舉例:He couldn’t hold back his anger. (他再也控制不住他的怒火。)
舉例:Our kids don’t hold back just because they are afraid to fail. They are only afraid of failing us.  (我們的孩子不會因為害怕失敗而有所退縮,他們只是害怕讓我們失望。)

hold down 壓制、保住(職位)

舉例:You couldn’t hold down the cost of production. (你沒能壓低生產成本。)
舉例:I hope you can hold this case down like David. (我希望你能像大衛那樣把這個案子順利地辦好。)

hold to 信守、使遵守(約定等)

舉例:We must hold to the principles of justice. (我們必須信守正義的原則。)
舉例:Now I have to hold you to your promise. (現在我得要你堅守諾言了。)

作者:Sylvia Chu

Photo Source: Yoann JEZEQUEL ,CC Licensed


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