秒殺文法:Binomial pair 讓你增加英文詞彙量又能說的更豐富!

相信大家對”binomial pair”不陌生,
像是pros and cons, law and order…,


兩字組合的片語binomial pair:

1. 兩個字的詞性相同,中間常用and, or ,nor 連接
2. 順序不能改變



1. peace and quiet 安靜 (peace為名詞,意思是和平;quiet在這裡也作為名詞,意思也是安靜、和平)
例句:The patient needs peace and quiet. ( 病人需要安靜。)

2. life and times 某人當時的生活情形
例句:I’m reading a book about the life and times of Winston Churchill. It’s fascinating.(我在閱讀一本關於Winston Churchill生平的書籍,真是精彩極了!)

3. law and order 法治
例句:Law and order is necessary for a peaceful society. ( 法律和秩序是一個安寧的社會所必需的。)

4. pros and cons 有利有弊、贊成與反對
例句:What are the specific surgical options? What are the pros and cons for each? ( 有什麼可以選擇的特殊的手術方式?它的利與弊各是什麼?)

5. chalk and cheese 天壤之別
例句:I tried, as chalk and cheese out of the translation. ( 我試過了,翻譯出來牛頭不對馬嘴的。)

6. aches and pains 疼痛
A medical clinic serves passengers with aches and pains. ( 醫療診所為那些身體不適的乘客提供服務。)

7. let or hindrance 阻礙、妨礙
※  let為名詞,是個法律用語,意思是妨礙,阻礙
例句:The passport opened frontiers to the traveler without let or hindrance. ( 這個護照使旅行者可以無阻礙地入境。)

類型二:押韻的詞語Rhyme and alliteration

1. odds and sods 零碎的事情
例句:I’ve done all the important building work; I’ve just got the odds and sods left, you know, like fitting the door handles.

2. hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘
例句:St. Ethelburga’s Church itself is a remarkable haven of peace in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the City of London. ( 聖埃德姆德教堂本身是一個在熙熙攘攘的倫敦市中的卓越的和平的避風港。)

3. rest and relaxation 休閒放鬆 (也可以當縮寫用!)
例句:The 23-year-old prince will now have a month of rest and relaxation before resuming his army life. ( 今年23歲的王子,將有一個月的時間休息和放鬆,然後恢復他的軍旅生活。)

4. trials and tribulations 困難、考驗
例句:After many trials and tribulations, Bill Gates went on to create, well you know, Microsoft. ( 在無數次不懈的嘗試和失敗後,比爾蓋茨才隨之創建了微軟。)


1. ups and downs 起起伏伏
例句:Like many, my daughter has traversed her own ups and downs as she moved into her adult years. ( 像大多數人一樣,我的女兒在步入成人期時也經歷了她自己的成功與失敗。)

2. ins and outs 複雜細節
例句:I don’t know all the ins and outs, but it seems the Prime Minister has made a serious mistake.(我不清楚事情的細節,但首相似乎犯了很嚴重的錯誤)

3. here and there 到處
例句:However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litters here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. ( 然而,當我們登上山頂,被眼前的一幕驚呆了:瓶子和香蕉皮這樣的廢棄物到處都是。)

4. down and out 貧困潦倒的
例句:The writer was down and out, but he still went on with his writing. ( 那個作家雖然已經窮困潦倒了,但他還是繼續寫作。)

5. ifs and buts 藉口、推託
例句:I don’t want any ifs and buts—swallow your medicine at once. ( 我不要聽你的理由, 快把藥吞下去。)

6. neither here nor there 與所述無關的;不相關的
例句:Now whether or not any of this is true, believe me, is neither here nor there. ( 不管這些正確與否,相信我,關鍵不在於此。)


1. R and R: rest and relaxation 放鬆休息
例句:Henry has been working too hard recently. He really needs some R and R. ( 亨瑞最近工作很辛苦,他真的需要放鬆休個假。)

2. P and P: postage and packing 郵資及包裝費
例句:Did you check that the price includes P and P? ( 你有沒有檢查那個價格是否包含運費?)

3. R and D: research and development 通常指研發部門
例句:Relatively, Tencent is the least safe because it still has much to invest in its e-commerce division, R&D and sales and marketing. ( 相對的,騰訊是風險最大的,因為它仍需要向它的電子商務部門、研發部門和銷售市場部門投入大量資金。)

看更多>> 同音和同義結合的英與字詞 (Learn English Expressions: What are binomials?)
作者:Sylvia Chu

Source: 英文資訊交流網
Photo Source: Yoann JEZEQUEL , CC Licensed


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