【口說技巧】講英文卡住時,不要只會 “Um…” 學會這些神救援的道地口說!


VoiceTube 帶你認識最實用的填充字 (filler words),



1. Sort of…
2. Kind of…
3. Like…

A: Where do you want to go?
A: 你想去哪裡?
B: It’s kind of busy…a busy place in Taipei.
B: 我想去的是…它在台北,是個熱鬧的地方。


1. Actually…
2. As a matter of fact…

常看 TED 演講或是一般演說的人一定知道,as a matter of fact 這個填補詞超常用到的,它除了可以當作填補詞,讓講者喘口氣想一想下一段要講什麼,還可以有強調的功能,一起看看該怎麼使用吧:

【TED】Kevin Briggs: 連結自殺與生命的橋樑(中英字幕)

3. To be honest…
4. To be frank with you…
5. In fact…
6. The fact of the matter is…

A: So do you want to go to the airport?
A: 所以,你是想要去機場嗎?

B1: Actually, no! The place I want to go is in the center of Taipei.
B1: 不,我想要去的地方在台北市中心。
B2: As a matter of fact, no, I don’t want to go to the airport.
B2: 不是的,我不想要去機場。
B3: To be honest, I want to go to the place with the tallest building in Taipei.
B3: 我想去的地方有台北最高的大樓。
B4: In fact, I really want to go to the place with the largest theater in Taipei.
B4: 我想要去的地方有台北最大的電影院。
B5: The fact of the matter is I’m not going to the airport now.
B5: 我沒有要去機場!


1. How shall I put it?
2. What’s the word I’m looking for?
3. How can I explain this?

A: Do you agree with John’s opinion?
A: 你同意約翰的意見嗎?
B: Well, how shall I put it? It’s really hard to say whether we should agree with him or not.
B: 該怎麼說呢?我們真的很難說是同意他的意見還是不同意。


1. What’s the best way to put this? (put 在這裡就是 say 的意思)

What’s the best way to put this? You are so impolite!

2. What I’m trying to say is…

What I’m trying to say is I can’t wait to see your show tonight.

3. Now let me put it this way…

Let me put it this way. All you need to do now is to lay a solid foundation in English, acquire a large range of knowledge, and grasp every chance to train your abilities.

學會用英文表達自己的感受是很重要的,常常遇到有些人講話太過偏激,甚至不知道已經冒犯到了自己,這時候就可以好好地跟他說「不」,一起來學習如何精準且有利地表達自己的不滿情緒,把握超實用的 3 招技巧,不僅能讓對方知難而退,還能保持禮貌:

【生活英語】如何「有力的」表達不滿情緒 (中英字幕) (3 ways to express negative ideas POWERFULLY)


1. look here, (name)….

Look here, Steely , old man, I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to accommodate you any longer.

2. Right then, (name)…

Right then, Andrew, I know your idea is great, but we can’t accept it.



想說的像老外?這樣表達更流利!(中英字幕)(Sound more fluent in English)


文/  Sylvia Chu
圖/   Desirée Delgado, CC Licensed
作者簡介/  VoiceTube看影片學英語
學英文不是艱難的任務,而是一種融入生活的自然態度。今天起,丟掉厚重的教科書,每日鎖定 VoiceTube 看影片學英語官方部落格,給自己一個流利『用』英語的機會!


快打開 VoiceTube App 練英文!

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英文單字不要硬背! 藉由 VoiceTube App 看影片,不會的單字反覆聆聽,加上單字測驗練習,聽寫齊下,立刻熟記!