

No spring chicken 不再年輕的、上了年紀的人,多用於女性。
舉例:Mrs. Gray may not be a granny, but she’s certainly no spring chicken. ( 格雷夫人也許還不算老太太,但是她的年紀肯定不小啦。)

spring clean 大掃除
舉例:If there is less than 10% of the hard disk free, it is time to spring clean. ( 如果硬碟空間剩下不到10%,那麽就是大掃除的時候了。)

Indian Summer 秋老虎、也有大器晚成之意
舉例:He made his best films in his seventies; it was for him a real Indian summer. ( 他七十多歲拍出自己最好的電影,真是大器晚成阿)

Autumn years 遲暮之年
舉例:Someone who is able to live on her own in her autumn years can do so with optimism, grace, and comfort. ( 能夠生活自理的晚年,一樣可以過得樂觀優雅、充實自在。)

dead of winter 隆冬
舉例:Three of my four daughters were born in the dead of winter. ( 我生的四個女兒中,有三個是在隆冬出生的。)

冬天怕長肉?快看看意想不到的減肥方法 Weird Ways to Burn 200 Calories

作者:Sylvia Chu

Source: online English lessons
Picture Source: Ben Heine , CC Licensed