


All / Any enough / Less / a lot of / lots of / more / most / no / some / enough / a lack of / plenty of / heaps of / a load of / loads of / tons of

They massacred all the prisoners. ( 他們殘殺了所有的俘虜。)
They diced away all their money. ( 他們擲骰子把錢都輸光了。)

After all, we have plenty of reasons not to. ( 畢竟,我們總有很多理由不說實話。)
She has plenty of imagination. ( 她的想像力非常豐富。)

We can overcome any difficulty. ( 我們能戰勝任何困難。)
This coupon can be redeemed at any of our branches. ( 這種息票可以在我們的任何支行兌現。)


many / Both / (a) few / fewer / several / a couple of / hundreds of / thousands of / none of

After a few drinks, he always becomes boastful about his experience. ( 幾杯酒下肚,他總要口出大言,吹噓自己的經歷。)
He tossed off several papers in half an hour. ( 他在半小時之內就看完了幾份報紙。)
He usually sits in the sun for a couple of hours in the morning. ( 他早上通常在太陽下坐幾個小時。)


a little / (not) much / a bit of / a good deal of / a great deal of

This awareness will help you enjoy a bit of happiness, whose life gratifies you! ( 這種意識能幫助你享受更多一點生命本身帶來的快樂。)
Many times, you see users create a visual requirement that cause a good deal of development effort. ( 您經常會看到使用者創建視覺化需求需要做大量的開發工作。)


a crowd / group of people 一群人
a herd of cattle / elephants 一群牛 / 象
a flock of sheep / bird / geese 一群羊 / 鳥 / 鵝
a brood of chickens 一群雞
a flight of bird 一群飛鳥
a swarm of insects 一群昆蟲
a colony of ants 一群螞蟻
a school of fish 一群魚
a pack of dogs 一群狗
a pride of lions 一群獅子
a skulk of foxes 一群狐狸
a cluster of stars 群星
a gang of bandits 一幫匪徒
a flight of stairs 一段階梯
a pack of lies 連篇謊言
a clump/complex of buildings 一群建築物


a piece of paper / cake / furniture 一張紙 / 一塊蛋糕 / 一件家具
a carton of milk 一盒牛奶
a box of rice 一箱米
a box of soap 一塊肥皂
a loaf of bread / toast 一條土司
a slice of bread / cake 一片麵包 / 蛋糕
a bar of candy / chocolate 一塊糖果 / 巧克力
a barrel of oil 一桶油
a drop of blood 一滴血
a bucket of water / sand 一桶水 / 沙
a head of cattle 一頭牛
a grain of salt 一粒鹽
a blade of grass 一根草
a nugget of gold 一塊黃金
a piece of land 一塊地
a round of applause 一片掌聲
a ton of oil 一噸油


作者:Sylvia Chu

Source:  British Council  冠詞、限定詞和量詞  英文單位量詞也不少 
Photo Source: Tom  , CC Licensed 


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