

一、 陳述要點


1.Let’s move one to my next point… 現在進入下一個要點
2.I’d like to go on a related topic…我想繼續探討相關的主題….
3.This leads me to my next section:…這承接到我的下一個部分…
4.Turning to my final point, I’d like to point out… 進入最後一個要點,我想要指出…


1.I’d like to refer back to my earlier discussion of… 我想回頭引用我們先前討論的…
lead to引導
2.To go back to the idea of… 現在再回到…的構想上

二、 強調與加強語氣


1.I cannot overstate the importance of this fact. 我必須特別強調此項事實的重要性
2.This is our fundamental problem. 這是我們最根本的問題
3.This is the main point I want to make today: … 這是我今天想要提出的主要重點…
4.If you take nothing else from this speech with you, take this:…如果這場演說讓你一無所獲的話,那起碼還可以得到這個:…
5.Our focus must be… 我們的焦點必須放在…


1.I’d like to expand on this idea for a moment. 我想抽出些時間詳述這個概念
2.Let’s spend a few minutes getting to the meat of this problem. 就讓我們花些時間深入這個問題的本質。
get to the meat of 深入某事的本質
3.Now we’ve come to the heart of the matter. 現在我們已經來到事情的核心
4.This is too important to gloss over, so I’d like to take some time with… 我們不能就這樣簡單帶過這個重要議題,因此我想花些時間來探討…

三、 加強與觀眾的互動


1.So, how bad is this situation? 那麼,這情況究竟有多糟糕?
2.But how big is this risk, really? 但這風險到底有多大?
3.So, how do we solve this problem? 那麼我們該如何解決這個問題?
4.But who really needs this stuff, anyway? 到底誰真的需要這東西?


1.I know you’re all busy people, so I’ll make this short. 我知道你們都是大忙人,所以我會簡短報告
2.I know what you’re thinking: You’re wondering why I’m telling you this. 我知道你們在想什麼:你們一定覺得很奇怪,為什麼我會告訴你們這個
3.I’m sure everyone in this room has made a bad decision in the past. 我確定這裡的每個人都曾做過不好的決策


1.Let me ask you something: would you want to…? 讓我請教你們一些問題:你們會想…?
2.How many of you have faced a problem like this one? Let’s have a show of hand. 你們之中有多少人曾面臨過這樣的問題?我們舉手表決好了!


1.Have a look at the second page of your handout. 看看你們講義的第二頁
2.Here we can see how the problem really begins. 我們可以從這裡看到,問題是如何開始的
3.Take a gander at these figures. 看看這些圖表
4.I’d like you to pay particular attention to … 我希望你們特別注意…
5.This may surprise you,… 這或許會讓你們感到意外…

四、 運用圖表


1.As you can see from this chart,…從這張圖表你們可以看到…
2.Accroding to this graph,…根據這張圖表…
3.As illustrated by this diagram,..正如這張圖表所說明的…
4.The graphic here illustrates… 這裡的圖表說明了…


1. plummet 直落
舉例:Sales plummeted in May. 五月份的營業額直直落

2.peak 達到高峰
舉例:Profits rose sharply in the third quarter, peaking at 800.000 dollars. 利潤在第三季句幅上揚,最高達到八十萬美元

3.dip 下降 (也有浸、泡之意)
舉例:Sales dipped after Christmas, but they recovered in March. 營業額在聖誕節後即下降,但到了二月份又恢復了

4.bottom out 到達最低點
舉例:Profits dropped sharply and bottomed up in May. 利潤大幅衰退,並在五月份達到最低點

5.hold steady 保持不變
舉例:Marketing costs have been holding steady for the past few months. 在過去幾個月,行銷成本始終維持不變


1. 圓餅圖 pie chart
2. 長條圖 bar graph
3. 曲線圖 line graph
4. 樹狀圖 tree diagram
5. 流程圖 flow chart
6. 金字塔圖 pyramid set

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同場加映:【職場的進擊】簡報時你不可不知的「八要四不」技巧!(How to give a presentation in English)

作者:Sylvia Chu

Source:  Michelle Witte, 商務英文溝通力 (譯者:李璞良),寂天文化出版 (2012)
Photo Source: www.englishtrackers.com


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