鼓舞人心的故事:超越極限──Amy Purdy

If your life were a book, and you were the author, how would you want your story to go? That’s the question that changed my life forever.” 假如你的人生是一本書,而你作者,你希望你的故事怎麼發展?當年就是這個問題永遠改變我的一生

Amy Purdy 在Las Vegas長大,高中畢業後,她如願搬到一個會下雪的地方,擔任massage therapist (按摩治療師),滑雪玩snowboard;直到有一天,她以為感冒提早回家,不到二十四小時內,她被送至醫院,生命垂危,陷入昏迷,她被診斷出得了bacterial meningitis, 細菌性腦膜炎。19歲,她失去了兩條腿,左耳失聰,失去脾臟(spleen)和腎臟(kidney)。

病癒後,她也曾放棄自己,賴在床上再也不想起來,看著笨重醜陋的金屬、塑膠製義肢,她覺得再也不能跳舞、滑滑板了,環遊世界的夢想也毀滅。但她最終選擇前進,選擇繼續編寫自己的人生故事,樂觀看待這樣的難關,她想:”I didn’t have to be five foot five anymore.” 隨著約對象不同,她可以自由調整身高;滑雪時腳也不會冷了,鞋子的大小也再也不是問題。


(6:09) And this is when I learned that our borders and our obstacles can only do two things. One: Stop us in our tracks, or Two: Force us to get creative.


她不僅拿下好幾面女子滑雪板比賽的金牌,更參加 Dance with the Stars節目,再銀光幕上大秀舞技


(8:01)  Because my legs haven’t disabled me. If anything they have enabled me, they forced me to rely on my imagination and to believe in the possibilities. And that’s why I believe that our imagination can be used as tools for breaking through borders.


(8:40) In my life, innovation has only been possible because of my borders. I’ve learned that borders are where the actual ends, but also where imagination and the story begins.


Instead of looking at our challenges and our limitations as something negative or bad, we can begin to look at them as blessings, magnificent gifts that can be used to ignite our imaginations and help us go further than we ever knew we could go.

準備好正面迎接生命挑戰了嗎?看看這位神奇的女孩怎麼克服萬難,活出精采人生:【TED】超越極限:Amy Purdy

Source: TED Amy Purdy Living Beyond Limits
Photo Source: 1. Amy Purdy and Michael Phelps Pose Totally Nude for ESPN The Magazine‘s Body Issue 2. Daniel Gale – Double-amputee snowboarder 3. Listening to the Rain