「驅逐令」的英文是?帶你讀 CNN 報導美國將驅逐國際學生!?

ICE 是什麼組織?為什麼他們要驅逐國際學生呢?
帶你看 CNN 英文文章,學會「驅逐令」的英文的同時一起了解美國情勢!

今天想和大家分享的是 CNN 報導的這篇文章:International students may need to leave US if their universities transition to online-only learning

在閱讀這篇文章之前必須先了解到美國是個非法移民居多的地方,而「移民與海關執法局」(英文簡稱為 ICE)的人員會不定期出現在民眾所在地,並且進行盤問,要求任何「可疑人士」出示身分證件,而這個現象造成了外來移民的恐慌。


International students who are pursuing degrees in the United States will have to leave the country or risk deportation if their universities switch to online-only courses, Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced Monday.

pursue a degree in (phr.) (在某個地區) 完成學業 ; 從事某個領域的學位

She decided to pursue a degree in the United States.

I want to pursue a degree in law.

deportation (n.) 驅逐出境

「驅逐令」的英文怎麼說呢?deport (驅逐) 為動詞,其名詞形為 deportation,常見搭配如:be threatened with deportation (被威脅驅逐出境)、be facing deportation (面臨驅逐出境)、deportation order (驅逐令)、mass deportation (大量驅逐)。

Because of the new visa laws, he now risks deportation if he stays in the country.

*deportation order (n.) 驅逐令

庇護知多少 (What Is Asylum And How Does It Work?)

ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) 美國移民及海關執法局

ICE 為英文簡稱,全名是 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,意指「美國移民及海關執法局」。ICE 是一個美國在地的執法部門,主要負責識別、調查、和處置美國移民、或是監視違法犯罪活動,例如處理和遣返非法移民、走私、販賣等。ICE 若發現可疑犯罪活動,包括發現非法入境者,將會進行驅逐。由於 ICE 和美國的移民法規和政策有關,近年在當地引起社會爭議。

*transition to 和 switch to 意思相同 ,意指「轉換為…」。

The move may affect thousands of foreign students who come to the United States to attend universities or participate in training programs, as well as non-academic or vocational studies.

move (n.) 措施

The move toward improving health care has gained widespread public support.

vocational (adj.) 職業的,職涯的

She went to vocational school to become a mechanic.

年輕不再是優勢?薪資差距讓年輕人更難過活! (Why is inequality worse for young people? | CNBC Explains)

Universities nationwide are beginning to make the decision to transition to online courses as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. At Harvard, for example, all course instruction will be delivered online, including for students living on campus. For international students, that opens the door to them having to leave the US.

as a result of (phr.)  由於…

Schools have closed temporarily as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

open the door to/for (phr.) 使…成為可能 ; 為…敞開大門

The regulations have opened the door for research into new treatments.


In a news release Monday, ICE said that students who fall under certain visas “may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States,” adding, “The U.S. Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools and/or programs that are fully online for the fall semester nor will U.S. Customs and Border Protection permit these students to enter the United States.”
(ICE 在星期一的報導說到,持有某些簽證的學生「無法修滿學分的線上課程,也不能留在美國。」除此之外,他們也提到:「美國國務院不會發布簽證給報名秋季線上課程的學生,美國海關及邊境保衛局也不會允許這些學生入境美國。」)

fall under (phr.) 被歸入(…部、類等),被列為…

What category does this film fall under?

issue (v.) 發布,通常用於發行證件等等

What type of qualifications do I need for the US government to issue me a visa?

permit (v.) 允許,准許

This restaurant does not permit pets.

【TED-Ed】難民的定義 (What does it mean to be a refugee? – Benedetta Berti and Evelien Borgman)

在文章的下一段,ICE 建議正在美國求學的學生考慮其他方案,例如轉學到有實體課程的學校,因為有些大學有提供線上和實體課程。





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文/ Celine Chien
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pixabay
參考資料/ https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/06/politics/international-college-students-ice-online-learning/index.html
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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