「罷免」的英文是?帶你讀 The New York Times 報導高雄市長罷免

6/6 投票日於短時間內達至罷免門檻,
就讓小 V 來帶大家看看韓國瑜被提出罷免的原因順必學學罷免的英文!


今天要帶大家閱讀的是 The New York Times 報導的這篇文章:Voters in Taiwan Oust a Pro-China Mayor


Voters in the southern port city of Kaohsiung voted overwhelmingly on Saturday to remove their China-friendly mayor from office, just months after he lost his bid to unseat President Tsai Ing-wen in national elections.

The vote caps a roller-coaster two years for the mayor, Han Kuo-yu, who emerged from political obscurity to win the 2018 race in Kaohsiung, a traditional stronghold of Ms. Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party. That victory served as a launching pad for Mr. Han’s presidential bid.
(這次的投票結束了韓國瑜猶如過山車般的兩年市長生涯,他原本是一個於政界默默無聞的人物,直至 2018 年的選舉於蔡英文的民進黨的傳統據點高雄中勝出。而這次的勝利成為了韓國瑜競選總統的起點。)


unseat 是動詞,表示「(透過選舉) 罷免,使下台;使從馬上摔下」。

The shareholders plotted to unseat the chairman of the board.


obscurity 是名詞,意思是「鮮為人知,默默無聞;費解,朦朧」。

Kelly spent years in obscurity as a singer before gaining worldwide recognition through a singing show.
Kelly 已當了默默無名的歌手多年,不過一次歌唱演出後一躍成為全球知名歌手。

After he lost the big fight, the boxer spent the rest of his life living in obscurity.


Saturday’s vote, known as a recall, appeared to reflect Taiwan’s hardening attitude toward China, which has been intensifying efforts to bring the island democracy under its control. The vote is the first time that Taiwanese voters have removed a mayor, whose status is similar to a governor in the United States.
(週六 (6/6) 的投票日,也就是「罷免案」的投票,反映了台灣民眾對於中國的態度變得強硬,可見政府一直致力加強台灣的民主意識。這次是台灣史上首次通過投票罷免的市長,這位市長的地位與美國州長的地位相似。)


recall 為動名詞同形,作為動詞時表示「聯想起,記得;罷免;收回,撤銷」;而作名詞時則表示「記憶力;回憶;罷免」。

He has lost his ability to recall things after the car accident.

Due to the contamination of the production line, all the products have been recalled.

The mayor is facing a recall vote only two years into his term.


Mr. Han, of the opposition party, Kuomintang, had campaigned for president on a platform of forging closer ties with China’s Communist government, which claims Taiwan as its territory but has never ruled it. Running on the slogan, “Safety for Taiwan, money for the people,” Mr. Han said having better ties with China would lessen the risk of conflict and improve the economy.

But Ms. Tsai, who has vowed to preserve the island’s sovereignty, scored a convincing victory in the January presidential election. Beijing later denounced her inauguration.


forgo 為動詞,意思是「放棄,摒絕 (令人愉悅之物)」。

He had to forgo his place at the swim meet due to injury.

憤世嫉俗?玩世不恭?究竟什麼是犬儒主義? (The philosophy of cynicism – William D. Desmond)


denounce 是動詞,表示「(公開) 譴責,痛斥;告發」。

The government denounced the actions of the protesters, saying they had violated the law.

Jack denounced Peter for cheating during the exam.
Jack 告發 Peter 於考試中作弊。

【人權教育】榮譽處決知多少 (What Are Honor Killings?)


Mr. Han’s pro-China stance, as well as his taking leave from the mayoralty to run for president, upset Kaohsiung voters. When running for mayor, he had told voters that he would not seek Taiwan’s highest office.


mayoralty 為名詞,表示「市長職位;市長任期」的意思,此字由名詞 mayor (市長) 衍生而來。

He is now facing the biggest challenge of his mayoralty.


But for the recall to succeed, it also needed the support of at least 25 percent of the city’s 2 million eligible voters. That threshold was easily surpassed on Saturday, when more than 939,000 votes were cast, according to the Kaohsiung Municipal Election Commission.
(然而高雄市合資格的選民有 200 萬名,要成功通過罷免案,起碼需有 25% 的支持通過。週六的投票輕鬆地於短時間內達至門檻,根據高雄市選舉委員會的數據顯示,有超過 939,000 票同意。)


eligible 是形容詞,意思是「具備條件的,合乎資格的;理想的結婚對象」。

Only students with GPA 3.5 or more are eligible for a full scholarship.
只有 GPA 達 3.5 或以上的學生才有資格申請全額獎學金。

According to the data, under 50 percent of eligible voters actually voted.
根據顯示的數據,實際參與投票的合資格選民不超過 50%。

【國際】逃脫北韓後的生活,真的比較容易嗎? (What Happens To North Korean Defectors After They Escape)


President Xi Jinping of China has attempted to woo Taiwan with a “one country, two systems” arrangement similar to that of Hong Kong. But Beijing has tightened its grip on Hong Kong this spring, pursuing a series of laws intended to suppress seemingly any act it perceives as a threat to China’s national security.

“The crisis in Hong Kong has given us a sense of crisis,” said Kao Rui-hong, a 40-year-old supermarket worker who voted to recall Mr. Han. “People in Kaohsiung are worried that he will make Taiwan follow in the footsteps of Hong Kong.”


woo 是動詞,表示「爭取,努力說服;(男子) 向…求婚」。

Evelyn had been trying to woo the investors but she failed.
Evelyn 一直努力說服一眾投資者,但卻失敗了。

John wooed Jasmine with a bunch of flowers.
John 憑著一束花以及一顆誠懇的心向 Jasmine 求婚。



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審/ Eunice Lin
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