「一國兩制、國安法」的英文是?帶你讀 CNN 報導中國通過香港國家安全法

先讓小 V 來帶大家看看 CNN 英文報導什麼是《國安法》!

今天要帶大家閱讀的是 CNN 報導的這篇文章:China approves controversial national security law for Hong Kong

首先當要先了解到香港國安法的英文怎麼說再來繼續閱讀下去,「香港國安法」的英文稱之為 the Hong Kong national security law,其中 national security 為「國家安全」的意思。

接著帶你閱讀文章,文章開頭先提及中共全國人大常委會於早前投票通過極具爭議性的香港《國安法》立法決定草案,有批評指此草案會嚴重危害香港的政治及公民自由。會中更以大比數的 2,878 票贊成及 6 票棄權通過立法決定草案。

The country’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC), nearly unanimously approved the resolution Thursday to introduce the sweeping security legislation, which bans secession, subversion of state power, terrorism, foreign intervention and allows mainland China’s state security agencies to operate in the city.
(中國橡皮圖章議會的全國人大常委會 (NPC) 幾乎一致動議通過引入國安法,將針對「顛覆國家政權」、「分裂國家」、「恐怖活動」、「外部勢力干預」立法,並允許於香港設立中國中央人民政府國家安全機關。)


rubber-stamp 為政治比喻,簡單來說橡皮圖章的議會是幾乎不會否決提案。之所以稱為「橡皮圖章」是指雖深思熟慮後做出抉擇,但實際上只是像個「橡皮圖章」一樣不假思索地「蓋」上去,進而「照例批准」,只為了營造表面合法性與專政和諧統一的假象。

The vote by the shareholders was merely a rubber-stamp approval of the board’s decision.


The law will drastically broaden Beijing’s power over Hong Kong, which last year was roiled by anti-government protests calling for greater democracy and more autonomy from mainland China.


roil 是動詞,意思是「攪動;翻滾;使…停止正常運作」。

This year, the world’s retail industry was roiled by the economic effects of the pandemic.

Undersea earthquakes roiled the ocean and caused a tsunami.

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The law was designed for the “steady implementation of ‘one country, two systems'” a formula that guarantees Hong Kong its autonomy and freedoms — and for “Hong Kong’s long term prosperity and stability.”


guarantee 是動名詞同形,作為名詞時,表示「保證;保固單;擔保;抵押品」;而動詞則表示「保固;保障;為…擔保;必然發生」。

Your laptop comes with a two-year guarantee, which means you can take it to the store to get it repaired  for free within that time period.

What? Nobody can guarantee a return on an investment. It’s impossible to predict the future!

You need someone to provide a financial guarantee for a loan.

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The move has been denounced internationally, with opponents warning it could curtail many of the legal safeguards promised to the city when it was handed from British to Chinese rule in 1997. In mainland China, far reaching national security laws have been used to target pro-democracy campaigners, human rights activists, lawyers and journalists.
(法案通過已遭到國際間的譴責,反對法案人士稱此舉可能會削弱 1997 年英國把香港移交中國統治時承諾的法律保障措施。在中國大陸,影響力深遠的國家安全法被用於打擊民主運動發起人、人權維護人士、律師及記者。)

“They’ve practically taken away our soul. Our soul we’ve been treasuring all these years, the rule of law, human rights, they’re taking away all the core values we’ve come to know. From now on, Hong Kong is nothing but just another mainland Chinese city.”


curtail 為動詞,意思是「制止;縮減;限制」。

Your daughter is an adult, stop treating her like a child. You do not have the right to curtail her freedom.

The promotion of Joe to the post of vice-chairman was intended to curtail the power of the chairman.
Joe 升任副主席一職是為了縮減主席的權力。

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Hong Kong has long served as a regional hub for many international businesses, as well as a springboard for Chinese companies to expand internationally. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that his country would no longer consider the global financial hub as autonomous from China for trade and economic purposes.

springboard 是名詞,意思是「(跳水或體操的;提供動力的) 跳板;開端」。

Becoming an actress could act as a springboard to a music career.

Failure can often be used as a springboard to success.

?香港特殊地位是指《美國-香港政策法》(United States–Hong Kong Policy Act) 於香港主權移交中華人民共和國後,美國政府對外政策上將香港特別行政區政府與中華人民共和國政府區別對待。香港在「一國兩制」及「高度自治」的前提下可享有美國的獨立關稅、申請赴美簽證獲獨立看待、可在美國出口管制下購買敏感技術。


“The legislation on upholding national security in Hong Kong is purely China’s internal affair that allows no foreign interference,” ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday when asked about a possible strong response from Washington to the law.


interference 是名詞,意思是「干涉;(訊號) 干擾」。interfere 為其動詞形態,表示「干涉,干預」,後面多以 with 為介系詞 (interfere with sth.),而 interfere with sb. 則是指「猥褻幼童」。interfering 為其形容詞形態,具「愛管閒事的」的意思。

Mind your own business! I resent your interference in our domestic affairs.

Government interference in setting the curriculum has been widely criticized.


According to the Hong Kong government, the US had a surplus of US$31.1 billion in merchandise trade over Hong Kong in 2018, the single economy with which the US has the highest trade surplus.
(根據香港政府的資料顯示,2018年,美國在香港的商品貿易順差為 311 億美元,美國成為貿易順差最高的單一經濟體。)


merchandise 為動名詞同形,動詞的意思是「推銷,促銷」;而名詞則表示「商品,貨物」。

The official Disney merchandise is the store’s top seller.

As we can no longer sell concert tickets, we have had to rely on merchandise sales for our income.

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