
今天就讓我們一起跟著 Jean 跟 George 一起用英文聊聊童工問題並學學童工的英文怎麼說吧!

這天是 6 月 12 日,Jean 跟 George 一起去學校上英文課,課堂中老師介紹到「世界無童工日」,並請他們彼此討論童工議題…

Jean: If the teacher hadn’t told us, I would’ve had no idea that today is the International Labour Organization’s World Day Against Child Labour.
Jean: 如果老師沒有告訴我們,我根本不知道今天是「世界無童工日」。

George: Me neither. I thought that child labor was a problem of the past.
George: 我也是,我以為童工問題在社會中已不再存。

Jean: Just because we don’t see it in our day-to-day lives, doesn’t mean that this issue doesn’t exist.
Jean: 也許是因為我們沒有看見,那不代表問題並不存在。

George: True. When did the World Day Against Child Labour start?
George: 沒錯,你知道「世界無童工日」是在哪一年發起的嗎?

Jean: No idea …
Jean: 不知道…

George: According to Wikipedia, it was first launched in 2002, and aims to raise people’s awareness of that fact that child labor is still a problem in many parts of the world.
George: 根據維基百科,它是在 2002 年首次發起,目標是要喚起大家對於世界各地童工問題的意識。

Jean: Apparently there are 73 million laborers between the ages of 5 and 11 around the world! 58 percent of them work in agriculture.
Jean: 世界上有七千三百萬個介於五歲到十一歲的童工!其中百分之五十八是從事農業工作。

child labor (n.) 童工

child 是名詞,表示「小孩」,labor 也是名詞,意思是「勞務工作」,合起來就是「童工」的意思,為不可數名詞。

The World Day Against Child Labor is held to remind people that child labor is still a serious issue even today.

raise awareness (phr.) 喚起意識

raise 這個動詞有很多意思,常見的意思是「舉起;引起;養育;募款」,另外也有「喚起」的意思,而 awareness 是名詞,表示「意識」,它是由形容詞 aware 變化來。

This conference aims to raise people’s awareness of public health issues.

agriculture (n.) 農業

culture 是「文化」的意思,而字首 agri- 則有「土地、田地」之意,所以 agriculture 就是「農業」的意思。

This country’s economy is still based largely on agriculture.

接著,Jean 跟 George 討論到童工可能對孩子造成的影響…

George: Not including agriculture, most child laborers work in hazardous occupations like mining.
George: 除了農業之外,大部分的童工都在危險的環境下工作,像是挖礦。

Jean: If these children have to work at such an early age, doesn’t that mean they can’t go to school?
Jean: 如果這些孩子這麼小就要工作,不就代表他們不能去上學嗎?

George: Yes. Employing child labor not only deprives children of their right to an education, but also the chance to enjoy a real childhood.
George: 沒錯,童工議題不僅剝奪孩子不管是教育權,也讓他們失去童年。

Jean: Working in such environments also puts children’s long-term physical and mental health at risk
Jean: 而且在如此危險的環境下工作,也會對他們的身心健康產生危害。

George: No wonder the International Labour Organization feels that this is a problem that needs to be eradicated.
George: 難怪世界勞工組織會認為這是一個必須根除的問題。

Jean: You know, we should organize an event to raise awareness and funds to help children around the world suffering from this issue.
Jean: 你知道,我們可以做個活動來提升大家對這個議題的意識以及募款來幫助世界各地受難於童工問題的孩子。

George: Count me in!
George: 我也要加入!

hazardous (adj.) 危險的

在英文中,除了 dangerous 之外,也有許多形容詞能表示「危險的」,像是 hazardous,其名詞形是 hazard 。

The road was closed to cars as it was too hazardous to cross after the earthquake.

deprives sb. of sth. (phr.) 剝奪某人的某物

deprive 為動詞,「剝奪」的意思,記得介系詞要搭配 of。

Many Black Americans were deprived of the right to vote before 1965.
1965 年以前,許多美國黑人都被剝奪享有投票的權利。

right to an education (n.) 教育權

童工問題不只剝奪小孩快樂的童年,更剝奪了他們受教育的權利,你知道「受教權」的英文應該怎麼說嗎?right 在此是名詞,表示「權利」,而 education 則是「教育」,所以 right to an education 就是「受教權」喔!

Children should have a right to an education, and we should work hard to make sure that no one deprives them of that right.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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