【CNN10 新聞英語】「空汙」的英文是?帶你看 CNN 談全球空氣改善與無人島生活

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【CNN10】封城意外收穫、遊客成島主、冰壅 (Shutdown Is Clearing The Air | April 23, 2020)





VoiceTube 帶你一起了解這次的 CNN 新聞焦點。

up to speed (phr.) 了解最新狀況

speed 有「速度,速率」之意,但 up to speed 跟速度無直接相關,而是指「了解最新狀況,跟上進度」的意思,例如:bring sb. up to speed、get up to speed。

To begin our meeting, I want to bring everyone up to speed on the development of our new product.

Monica hired a tutor to help Chandler get up to speed on his school work.
Monica 請了家教來幫忙 Chandler 跟上學校進度。

pollution (n.) 汙染

名詞 pollution 指的是「汙染」,常見的污染有 air pollution (空汙)、water pollution (水污染),另外 pollutant 一字也是名詞,但它的意思是「污染物;污染源」。

There are some people outside the power plant protesting the chemical pollution the plant is generating.

Horrified by the pollution on the beach, Rachel called all her friends to help clean it up.
對海灘污染感到震驚,Rachel 打給她的朋友們來淨灘。

contract (v.) 感染

contract 動名詞同形,在此當作動詞使用,意思是「得 (病),感染 (病)」,另外也有「(使) 縮小,(使) 收縮;訂定契約」的意思。contract 當名詞使用時,則有「契約 (書)」的意思。注意,contract 當動詞使用時,重音在後方,唸作 /kǝnˈtrækt/,而名詞重音在前方,唸作 /ˈkɑntrækt/。

Ross contracted a cold, so he is taking the day off.
Ross 得了感冒,所以今天不會來。

The metal contracted when the temperature dropped.

The modeling agency signed a two-year contract with Cindy.
模特兒經紀公司和 Cindy 簽了兩年的合約。

emission (n.) 排放

emission 這個字用來指稱氣體、熱量、光線等的「排放,散發」,也可用來指「排放物,散發物」。

China’s CO2 emissions have decreased because of the lockdown.

Some environmental groups have condemned the factory for not reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

measure (n.) 措施

measure 在此指的意思是「措施,手段,方法」,同義詞有 way、fashion。另外 measure 當作動詞使用時,有「測量,配給」之意。

The police are taking proactive measures to clamp down on crime.

The government is looking for effective measures to raise the low birth rate.

plunge (v./n.) 急降

plunge 指的是價錢等的「驟降,急降」。另外 plunge 也有「跳 (入)」的意思,常見片語有 plunge into (跳入)、take the plunge (冒險嘗試)。

The price of oil plunged due to the pandemic.

Monica decided to take the plunge and sign up for the cooking course.
Monica 決定賭一把而報名了廚藝課。

in the short term (phr.) 短期來看

名詞 term 的意思是「期,期限」,而片語 in the short term/run 則是指「短期來看」,相反的 in the long term/run 就是指「從長遠來看」。

In the short term, the stock market may seem bad, but it will definitely go back up in the long term/run.

Executing this plan might cost us a fortune in the short term, but long term it will be beneficial.

In the long run we are all dead,” John Maynard Keynes

kick off (phr.) 開始

動詞片語 kick off 的意思可不是指踢開哦,在這邊意思是「開始」,名詞態 kickoff 則可以用來指稱活動的「開始」或足球「發球」。

I hope the pandemic is under control before the Olympics kick off.

The home team attacked from the kickoff.

inhabit (v.) 居住於;棲息於

habitat 為名詞,意思是指動物的「棲息地」或植物的「產地」。inhabit 則是動詞,意思是「使居住於;使棲息於;佔據」,常以地方當主詞用被動語態。

Australia was inhabited long before its so-called “discovery” by Europeans.

This tropical rainforest is inhabited by many kinds of animals.

local (n.) 當地居民

local 可以當作名詞或形容詞使用,在此當作名詞使用,意思是「當地居民,本地人」,而當成形容詞時,則可指「當地的,地方性的」之意。

When I was lost in the forest, it was a local who came to my rescue.

After weeks of warnings, the dreaded news came that the local bank had been robbed and five people injured.

get/catch wind of (phr.) 聽聞

get/catch wind 直翻中文的話就是「得到風」,得到風會讓人聯想到什麼?沒錯,就是「聽到風聲」,動詞片語 get wind of sth. 指的就是「得到…的風聲,聽聞…」的意思。後面若要接句子,則可接名詞子句 (that + S + V)。

Jack caught wind of my plans to move to Taipei and offered me a house with cheap rent to stay in.
Jack 聽說我要搬去台北,就低價租我一間房子。

Monica got wind that the company is considering firing her.
Monica 得到風聲說公司考慮要開除她。

depression (n.) 憂鬱症

depression 有很多意思,可以指心情「沮喪」、經濟「不景氣」或是氣象學裡的「低氣壓」,但目前最常用的是拿來指「憂鬱症」。另外「焦慮症」的英文則是 anxiety。

Since my mother passed away, I have been suffering from severe depression.

Almost 10 percent of Americans suffer from depression.
全美國有近 10% 的人有憂鬱症。


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文/ Mackenzie Wang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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