
今天就跟著 Jonathon 和 Grace 一起學會垃圾食物的英文大全吧!

Jonathan 和 Grace 是工作上的好夥伴,更是生活中的好朋友,有天工作午休時間他們一起去便利商店買午餐…

Jonathan: Hey Grace, I’m so hungry. Let’s go get lunch.
Jonathan: 嘿 Grace,我好餓喔,一起去買午餐吧。

Grace: Sure, I’m starving, too. Let’s go.
Grace: 好啊,我也餓壞了,走吧。

(At the convenience store)

Jonathan: Wow! There are so many options here. I don’t know what to choose…
Jonathan: 哇,這裡有好多選擇,我不知道應該選哪一個…

Grace: Come on, is that really difficult? I’m going to get a salad and a hard-boiled egg.
Grace: 拜託,有這麼難嗎?我要買一盒沙拉和一顆水煮蛋。

Jonathan: You’re so healthy! Now… what will I have? I haven’t eaten Big Bite for a long time; that sounds good. I think I’ll get a Slurpee as well— its hotter than the sun out there today!
Jonathon: 你吃得好健康,那…我要吃什麼呢?我好久沒吃大亨堡了,聽起來不錯。我想我也要買一杯思樂冰因為今天超熱!

Grace: You’re not wrong. Maybe I’ll get an iced Americano.
Grace: 也是,那我也來一杯冰美式好了。

Jonathan: Do you take creamer?
Jonathon: 你要奶球嗎?

Grace: No, just black.
Grace: 不用,黑咖啡劑好。

(Checking out)

Big Bite (n.) 大亨堡

我們都知道「熱狗」的英文是 hot dog,但你知道「大亨堡」的英文是什麼嗎?其實大亨堡有一個專有名詞 Big Bite,而這個名詞是有註冊過專利的喔!

I love eating a Big Bite. I always get one when I go to 7-11.
我很喜歡大亨堡,所以我每次去 7-11 都會買一個。

Slurpee (n.) 思樂冰

每到夏天除了去海邊,很多人也會買一杯「思樂冰」來喝,而「思樂冰」的英文就是 Slurpee,中文的翻譯就是音譯。而 slushie 這個字則是泛指「冰沙」。

Let’s get a Slurpee, it’s so hot today.

creamer (n.) 奶球

你喝咖啡喜歡加奶球嗎?還是喜歡加牛奶呢?「奶球」的英文是 creamer,cream 是名詞,「奶油」的意思,加上字尾 -er 就成了「奶球」。

I don’t like the taste of creamer, so I usually add milk to my coffee.

回到公司吃完午餐後,到了下午 Jonathan 肚子又餓了…

Grace: What!? Jonathan! Are you hungry again?
Grace: 什麼!?Jonathan!你又餓了嗎?

Jonathan: Yeah… that Big Bite wasn’t enough for my big belly! I think I’ll have some snacks. Do you want any?
Jonathan: 對…大亨堡不足以填滿我的胃,我想要吃點零食。你想吃嗎?

(Jonathan opens his drawer)
(Jonathan 打開他的抽屜)

Grace: Oh my God! You have so much junk food here. Potato chipspreserved fruit… how long does all of this normally last you?
Grace: 我的天啊!你那邊有太多垃圾食物了吧,洋芋片還有蜜餞… 這些東西你多久可以吃完?

Jonathan: Maybe a week. If I’m feeling stressed, I can finish three packets of potato chips and a case of soda in a day.
Jonathan: 大概一個禮拜,每次我只要壓力很大,我一天就可以吃三包洋芋片跟一罐碳酸飲料。

Grace: You should change your eating habits, Jonathan. Eating that much junk food is not healthy. You’ll end up with diabetes—and then they’ll have to amputate your foot!
Grace: 你應該改變你的飲食習慣,Jonathan。吃太多垃圾食物不健康。你最後會得糖尿病,而且還有可能會讓你截肢!

Jonathan: I know, but I just can’t help it. I’m an addict!
Jonathan: 我知道,但我就是忍不住。我上癮了!

Grace: Maybe you can start by substituting all your junk food with healthier snacks—like cereals and nuts.
Grace: 或許你可以開始改變藉由把那些垃圾食物用更健康的零食代替,像是麥片或是堅果之類的。

Jonathon: Okay… but not today. I’ve still got this bag of preserved mango to finish first.
Jonathon: 好,我改天會試試,但現在,我要先吃芒果蜜餞。

(Grace rolls her eyes)
(Grace 翻白眼)

potato chips (n.) 洋芋片

potato 是名詞,「馬鈴薯」,而 chips 則是指「切片」,兩者合在一起就是「洋芋片」的意思,而英式說法是 crisp。

I love watching movies with a big bag of potato chips at home on Friday night.

preserved fruit (n.) 蜜餞

preserve 是動詞,「保存」的意思,在此是過去分詞當成形容詞用,「被保存的水果」,也就是「蜜餞」的意思。

My mom’s favorite snack is preserved fruit.

soda (n.) 碳酸飲料

你喜歡喝碳酸飲料嗎?你知道碳酸飲料的英文該怎麼說嗎?很簡單,就是 soda 這個字。另外 soft drink 則是泛指所有的「軟性飲料」,有氣泡的或是沒有氣泡的都算在內。

Mike drinks a two-liter bottle of soda every day. He’s heading for an early grave with habits like that.
Mike 每天都喝兩公升的碳酸飲料,他這樣的習慣會讓他早死。



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
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