


Jasmine 是一個正值二十五歲的年輕女孩,愛漂亮是她的本性,而她總是想盡各種辦法讓自己的外觀更好看,讓自己更滿意。有天她跟閨蜜 Shelly 聊到整形這件事情…

Jasmine: Shelly, I’m so jealous of your double eyelids! They look so beautiful.
Jasmine: Shelly,我好羨慕你的雙眼皮!看起來超美的。

Shelly: Don’t be envious—I think your single eyelids suit you perfectly.
Shelly: 不要太羨慕,我覺得你的單眼皮也很很適合你啊。

Jasmine: I hate them. I’m thinking about having double eyelid surgery.
Jasmine: 我就是不喜歡,所以我在考慮去割雙眼皮。

Shelly: Well… if it’s what you want, then I won’t stand in your way. But think about it carefully—it’s permanent after all.
Shelly: 好,如果你想的話,我不會阻止你。但要仔細想一下,畢竟那是永久的。

(While shopping)

Jasmine: Look, Shelly. Do you see that movie star on the billboard? She’s so hot, I wish I had boobs like hers. Maybe I should get a boob job as well…
Jasmine: Shelly 你看,你有看到廣告看板上的明星嗎?她超辣的,我希望我也有像她一樣的胸部,或許我也該去隆乳。

Shelly: Do you think all this surgery is really necessary?
Shelly: 有那個必要嗎?

Jasmine: Come on, Shelly. I just want to look good and feel good!
Jasmine: 拜託,Shelly,我只是想要讓自己看起來好看一點。

Shelly: I know, but plastic surgery isn’t the only option.
Shelly: 我知道,但整形手術不是唯一的辦法。

(To be continued)

have double eyelid surgery (phr.) 割雙眼皮

你知道「雙眼皮」的英文應該怎麼說嗎?eyelid 是名詞,「眼皮」的意思,double 是「兩倍;雙」的意思,兩者合一 double eyelid 就是「雙眼皮」的意思。而動什麼手術,可以用 have … surgery 表示,surgery 是名詞,意思是「手術」,為不可數名詞,因此前面不能加冠詞 a 或數量詞。

Mindy just had a double eyelid surgery last weekend.
Mindy 上週末剛做了雙眼皮的手術。

get a boob job (phr.) 隆乳

get a(n) … job 是「做…的整形手術」的口語化說法,所以 get a boob job 就是「做隆乳手術」,以此類推,中間的部位可以任意變換,例如:get a nose job (隆鼻)。

She has always wanted to get a boob job because she isn’t satisfied with her breasts the way they are.

plastic surgery (n.) 整形手術

plastic 是名詞,英文常見的意思為「塑膠」,此字是由古希臘 plastikos 演變而來,原本意思是「使成形」。另一種說法是 cosmetic surgery,其中 cosmetic 意思是「美容的」,這種手術的主要目的是針對改善外表,而 plastic surgery 則有可能是為改善因意外造成的外表損傷。

There are pros and cons to consider when thinking about plastic surgery.

在聽完 Jasmine 說她想要整形之後,Shelly 決定跟她討論整形的優缺點…

Shelly: Jasmine, listen to me. It’s normal that everyone wants himself or herself to look good, but having too much plastic surgery can harm your body.
Shelly: Jasmine,聽我說,每個人都會想要讓自己看起來更好看,這很正常,但是做太多整形手術可能會傷害到自己的身體。

Jasmine: How so?
Jasmine: 怎麼說?

Shelly: I saw a report once about a girl who got a chin implant, a nose job and liposuction at the same time, but the surgery damaged her nerves and ended up paralyzing her face.
Shelly: 我有一次看到一個新聞有一個女孩一次做墊下巴、隆鼻、抽脂手術,但手術失敗動到她的神經,導致她顏面癱瘓。

Jasmine: Really? I don’t want that…
Jasmine: 真的嗎?我不想這樣…

Shelly: I think it’s okay to have some minor pieces of cosmetic surgery—but even the world’s greatest surgeon can’t give you a personality transplant. Looks are only a small part of who you are.
Shelly: 我覺得做一些小整形手術沒關係,但就算是全世界最厲害的整形醫生也沒辦法幫移植你的個性,外表也只是你的一部分。

Jasmine: You’re right, Shelly. You’ve really given me a lot to think about.
Jasmine: 有道理,你讓我知道要多想想了。

get a chin implant (phr.) 墊下巴

chin 是名詞,「下巴」的意思,implant 意思則是「植入;灌輸」,因為「墊下巴」是在下巴植入異物。

She is not satisfied with her chin, so she has decided to get a chin implant.

get a nose job (phr.) 隆鼻

如上面所提到,get a(n) … job 是「做…的整形手術」,故 get a nose job 顧名思義就是「隆鼻」的意思。

She wants to get a nose job because she thinks her nose looks too big.

liposuction (n.) 抽脂手術

liposuction /ˈlaɪpəˌsʌkʃən/  為抽脂手術,此字字根為 suction (吸,抽吸)。

Liposuction is a type of surgery that sucks the fat out from under your skin.



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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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