道歉只會 I’m sorry?如何用英文表達歉意

想用英文道歉又只會說 I’m sorry?

迷糊的 Mandy 總是惹惱直話直說的 Kevin,昨天開完會後,兩人之間莫名的尷尬…

Cindy: Mandy has been really upset since yesterday’s meeting.
Cindy: Mandy 從昨天開完會後就一直很難過。

Kevin: Uh huh… so what?
Kevin: 嗯哼,所以呢?

Cindy: Ummm… if I were you, I would apologize to her.
Cindy: 嗯……如果我是你,我會跟她道歉。

Kevin: Hello? What planet are you living on? Why should I apologize to her? She was so out of the loop at the meeting. When we were brainstorming, the only ideas she came up with were terrible and impractical!
Kevin: 是在哈囉?你住在哪顆星球啊?為什麼我要跟她道歉?她昨天開會超級狀況外欸。我們在集思廣益的時候,她也只會提那些很爛又不切實際的想法。

Cindy: I know, but that is Mandy. She is always slow on the uptake.
Cindy: 我知道啊,但 Mandy 就是這樣,她領悟力比較差嘛。

Kevin: Yeah, so that’s why I pointed out her mistakes. I’m just calling a spade a spade.
Kevin: 對,所以我才點出她的問題啊,我講話就是這麼直接。

Cindy: But words can hurt Kevin. I know Mandy needs to improve, but you could have used a gentler tone.
Cindy: 但是 Kevin,話語是可以傷透人心的,Mandy 的確需要改進,但是你說話語氣的語氣也可以不要那麼衝。

be out of the loop (phr.) 搞不清楚狀況;在狀況外

loop 是「迴圈;環形」的意思,be out of the loop 就像是指某人在跑道外,意指他人「搞不清楚狀況;在狀況外」。

He is out of the loop because he is not in the group chat.

Keep me in the loop on any updates to the plan.

be slow on the uptake (phr.) 領悟力較差;慢半拍

名詞 uptake 是「吸收率;攝取率」,因此 be slow on the uptake 就是形容人吸收資訊的速度很慢,中文會說「領悟力較差;慢半拍」。而相反的,「領悟力快」就次 be quick on the uptake。

The student is slow on the uptake, so the teaching assistant had to go through the homework with him several times.

call a spade a spade (phr.) 講話直接;直言不諱

call a spade a spade 用來形容那些「講話直接;直言不諱」的人,儘管那些話聽來刺耳難受,他們也總是直話直說,毫不委婉。

Sometimes it’s good to call a spade a spade, but you also have to consider the feelings of others.

聽完 Cindy 的一番話後,Kevin 還是決定拉下臉來跟 Mandy 道歉。

Kevin: Mandy, can I talk to you quickly?
Kevin: Mandy,可以和你說一下話嗎?

Mandy: Hi Kevin, let me just say first that I should have been more focused in the meeting yesterday.
Mandy: 嗨 Kevin,讓我先說我昨天開會應該要更專心的。

Kevin: Okay, thanks for being honest. But I also wasn’t perfect. I shouldn’t have used that tone of voice with you.
Kevin: 好,謝謝老實說,但我也不太對,不該用那種語氣跟你說話。

Mandy: I know you’re very outspoken, but it was still my bad.
Mandy: 我知道你只是講話比較直接,是我的問題。

Kevin: I’m really sorry if what I said hurt your feelings.
Kevin: 如果我昨天說的話傷到妳,我很抱歉。

Mandy: Haha, that’s not like you. You rarely apologize—of your own accord that is.
Mandy: 哈哈,這真不像平常的你,你很少道歉,我的意思是主動道歉。

Kevin: That’s because we’re in this together— we’re a team after all. Don’t forget to hand in the business proposal by the end of the day!
Kevin: 那是因為我們是一個團隊啊,但別忘了今天下班前要交上妳的企畫書。

Mandy: Roger that!
Mandy: 收到!

I shouldn’t have used that tone of voice with you.

當我們在吵架時,口氣一定都會特別差,道歉的時候可以用到 I shouldn’t have + p.p. 這個句型,表示「我不該…」,像是這句:I shouldn’t have used that tone of voice with you. (我不該用那種口譯氣跟你說話)。tone 在此意思是「語氣;口氣」。

I know you are very anxious now, but you shouldn’t use that tone of voice with me.

outspoken (adj.) 直率的;直言不諱的

outspoken 為形容詞,是「直率的;直言不諱的」,也是形容人想到什麼就說什麼,絲毫不怕冒犯、惹惱對方。

The outspoken food critic is very unpopular with restaurant owners.

I’m really sorry if what I said hurt your feelings.

道歉時如果想表示真誠,可以用 I’m really sorry if + S + V… 的句型表示「如果…的話我真的非常抱歉」。爭吵時我們總會無意間說出傷人的話,這時就可以說:I’m really sorry if what I said hurt your feelings.。注意,feelings 這邊通常恆用複數。

I’m really sorry if what I said hurt your feelings; I didn’t mean to insult you when I called you the world’s worst assistant.

of one’s own accord (phr.) 主動地;出於自願

accord 有「協議;條約」的意思,副詞片語 of one’s own accord 則是指某人「主動地;出於自願」作一件事情。

My sons cleaned their rooms of their own accord. I knew something wasn’t right, and, sure enough, I found out they had been smoking in there.



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審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
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