
現在就讓我們跟著 Fanny 一起去學游泳吧!

Fanny 從小到大都很怕水,但是這個暑假,他決定要突破自己,給自己一個一定要學會游泳的目標,現在我們就一起跟著他去游泳池吧!

Coach: Hi Fanny! How are you doing today? Looking forward to your first ever open-water swim?
教練: 嗨 Fanny,你今天好嗎?

Fanny: I’m okay, just a little nervous because I’m not a strong swimmer and a bit afraid of open water.
Fanny: 我還可以,只是有一點緊張,因為我是旱鴨子而且有一點怕水。

Coach: Don’t worry! I’ll be here by your side each step of the way.
教練: 別擔心!我會一步一步教你。

Fanny: Thanks. So, what should we do first?
Fanny: 謝謝,那我們應該先做什麼?

Coach: Let’s do some warm-ups first. It could be dangerous if you get a cramp in the water.
教練: 讓我們先暖身,要不然如果在水裡抽筋會很危險。

(After ten minutes of warming up)

Coach: Okay, now put on your goggles and take the kickboard. We’re now ready to get into the water.
教練: 現在戴上你的蛙鏡和浮板,我們準備要進入泳池。

be afraid of open water (phr.) 怕水

怕水的英文是 be afraid of water?那你就大錯特錯囉!因為我們所說的怕水,並不是真的怕「水」這個物質,而是怕開放性的水域,例如海水等等,因此我們要在 water 前加上 open 來表示正確的意思喔!

I‘m a bit afraid of open water, so I always bring a lifebuoy with me to the beach.

goggles (n.) 蛙鏡

準備游泳之前,除了暖身動作要做好,配備也一定要準備齊全!游泳配件包含泳衣、泳帽、蛙鏡,它們的英文分別是什麼呢?泳衣是 swimming suit,泳帽是 swimming cap,蛙鏡是 goggles (通常用複數表示)。

Remember to bring your goggles with you for tomorrow’s swimming class.

kickboard (n.) 浮板

浮板是用來協助初學者學習游泳,通常兩肢手臂放在浮板上,練習踢水,因此英文就是 kickboard,kick 是動詞「踢、踹」,board 是名詞「板子」,兩者合一為「浮板」的意思喔!

For swimming beginners, kickboards can stop them from drowning.

現在 Fanny 準備進入泳池,但她依然難掩她緊張的心情…

Coach: Relax, Fanny. I won’t let you drown, trust me.
教練: 放輕鬆,Fanny,我不會讓你溺水,相信我。

Fanny: I know, coach. But I’m still a little tense…
Fanny: 我知道,教練,但我還是有點緊張…

Coach: It’s normal, but the more relaxed you are the better you’ll swim.
教練: 這很正常,但是你越放鬆游得就越好。

Fanny: Okay. I’ll do my best. So, are we learning front crawl or breaststroke first?
Fanny: 好的,我會盡力。那我們今天要學自由式還是蛙式?

Coach: Woah, slow down there cowboy. You have to learn to walk before you run. Let’s go through proper breathing first.
教練: 哇,不要急,在跑之前你要先學會走路。所以我們要先學換氣。

Fanny: Okay.
Fanny: 好,我應該怎麼做?

Coach: First, take a deep breath with your nose or mouth, hold it and move your head into the water. When you’re underwater, exhale. Okay, watch me first then let’s see you try.
教練: 首先,用你的鼻子或嘴巴深吸一口氣,憋住然後潛入水中;當你在水裡時,用嘴巴慢慢吐出氣。好,先看我做一次然後你再試試看。

(After trying few times, Fanny finally gets it)
(在試了幾次之後,Fanny 終於成功了)

Fanny: Wow, that’s amazing. I feel a lot more confident in the water already. Thank you, coach.
Fanny: 哇,感覺好棒,我現在覺得在水中更有信心了。謝謝教練。

front crawl (n.) 自由式 / breaststroke (n.) 蛙式

游泳招式百百種,其中最常見的莫過於蛙式跟自由式了!游自由式時是面朝下,很像在水中爬行 (crawl) 的樣子,因此稱做 front crawl,而游蛙式時則是將手從胸前劃出,因此由 breast (胸部) + stroke (劃水) 這個兩字所組成。

I can do the front crawl as well as the breaststroke.

breathe (v.) 換氣

breathe /ˈbrið/ 這個動詞原意是「呼吸」,若用在游泳方面,指的就是換氣,在對話中是用動名詞 breathing 表示換氣這個動作。breathe 名詞形則是 breath /breθ/,注意母音和最後和舌尖音的不同。

It’s important to learn how to breathe properly in the water if you want to become good at swimming

exhale (v.) 吐氣

exhale 是動詞,「吐氣」的意思,字首 ex- 有「向外的」意思,而反義詞就是 inhale (吸氣),字首 in- 則是「向內的」意思。

Before we begin with the yoga class, take a deep breath and then slowly exhale.

哇!跟著 Fanny 一起學游泳是不是也默默地把一些相關的英文用法學起來了呢


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文/ Judy Huang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pexel
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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