

Bob 為了他的課堂期末報告到處在找尋一本原文書,然而台灣所有實體書店和網路書店都沒在賣這本,於是他求助於日日遊走於外國網站的網購大師 Sofia!

Bob: Sofia, do you know where I can possibly buy this book? It’s for my final report.

Sofia: You’ve come to the right person. Here, let me help you explore the magical world of online shopping. (opening her browser) There’s an English website called Nerdy Berdy, where you can find whatever book you are looking for.

Sofia:你問對人了。來,讓我帶你探索神奇的網購世界。(打開她的瀏覽器) 有個英文網站叫做書宅柏蒂,在那裡什麼書都找得到。

Bob: How come I’ve never heard of it?


Sofia: I dunno. Maybe because you prefer watching TV to reading? What’s the title of the book again?


Bob: Tauroética. It’s actually a Spanish book, which is probably why it is so hard to find in Taiwan.


Sofia: Yeah maybe. Okay, here’s the
Nerdy Berdy homepage. Let’s punch the title into the search.
Sofia:嗯… 有可能。好了,我們現在在書宅柏蒂的首頁。首先,我們把書名輸入進去搜尋。

Bob: Wow, there’s so many to choose from. Let me see… there are two
versions of it, one published in 2010 and the other published just last year. How much is the latest edition?
Bob:哇,有好多種選擇。我看看,有兩種版本——一版是 2010 年出版的,另一版是去年出的!最新版的價格多少?

Sofia: The price here is 14 euros. That’s around 465 NTD.
Sofia:價格列在這裡。14 歐,大約台幣 465。

Bob: That’s so much cheaper than I expected! Could you add it to the cart for me?

太好啦,Bob 找到他要的書了!先來複習單字吧!

home page (n.) 首頁

page 意指網頁的「頁面」,而 home page 指的就是網站的「首頁」。

Nerdy Berdy’s bestselling books are listed on their home page.

edition (n.) 版本

edition 意指「版本」。文中提及 latest edition,意思是「最新版」,latest 意指「最新的;最近期的」。補充:limited edition (限量版)。

My sister collects different editions of the Harry Potter books.

add sth. to the cart 把…加進購物車

add 為動詞,意思是「添加;增加」,cart 指的則是「購物車」。有些網站也可能用 basket「籃子」代表購物車。

Sofia couldn’t decide what color sweater to get, so she added one in each color to her cart.
Sofia 把每個顏色的毛衣都加了一件進購物車,因為她無法選要哪個顏色。

Bob 成功買到書了嗎?讓我們繼續看下去…

Sofia: Are there any other books you want?

Bob: Nope, that’s all. How much is the delivery fee
by the way?

Sofia: It’s included.


Bob: Great. Let’s go to the
checkout then.

Sofia: Okay. Wait… I think I have a
coupon. It’s going to expire at the end of this month and I don’t think I’ll get around to using it. Do you want it?

Bob: That would be nice! Thank you.


Sofia: It’s no big deal. (adding the coupon). You’ll need to enter your payment details and delivery address.

Sofia:小事一件。(新增禮券使用) 現在我們來到付款細節。在這裡輸入你的寄送地址和賬單地址。

(Bob entering his address)

(Bob 輸入他的地址)

Sofia: Do you want to pay by credit card?


Bob: Sure.

Sofia: Okay, just enter what type of card it is you have, the card number, expiry date, name on the card and your CVV2 number from the back.

Sofia:選擇你的信用卡種類,然後輸入信用卡號碼、有效日期、持有人姓名,以及 CVV2 號碼。

Bob: All done!


Sofia: Okay, your book should get here in about two weeks!


delivery fee (n.) 運費

delivery 意指「運送」(有些網站會用 shipping 代替,意思一樣),fee 則是「費用」,delivery fee 即是「運費」。delivery fee included 則是指「含運」,而 free delivery 則是指「免運」

That’s insane! The delivery fee is more than that of the thing I bought!

checkout (n.) 結帳處

checkout 為名詞,意思是「付款結帳的地方」,商品都放進購物車後,就會來到這個地方填寫個人資料和付款細節。除了用於指網路上虛擬的付款處,checkout 也可以用來指真實世界中的「收銀台」,意思和 cashier 相近,不過 checkout 更強調是大型食品店的收銀台。

I’ve had some problems at the checkout, so I called customer service.

coupon (n.) 優惠券

coupon 意指「折價券,優惠券」,而 voucher 則是指現金禮券」。

Tommy used a coupon and got a 15% discount.
Tommy 用了優惠券,獲得 15% 的折扣。

payment detail (n.) 付款細節

payment 意指「付款」,payment detail 指的即是「付款細節」,也就是選擇付款方式和填寫付款細節 (比如信用卡號碼) 等等。「填寫」付款細節,可以搭配 fill in 這個動詞片語。

Tommy didn’t know his credit card number so he couldn’t fill in his payment details.
Tommy 不知道他的信用卡號碼,所以無法完成付款細節填寫。

太危險啦!小 V 祝大家快樂網購、小心消費!


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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語

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