「曬黑」的英文怎麼說?【中式英文特輯】150 個你會講錯的英文日常用語–旅遊篇 (2)

出門旅遊少不了要說英文 想要說一口道地的英文?
今天小 V 要來告訴你,這些常見的說法到底哪裡錯了!

Where are you come from?
Where are you from?

不知道大家有沒有住過青旅呢?住青旅可以有很多機會認識來自世界各地的外國遊客,這時候通常大家的開場白都會是「你從哪裡來?」或是「你來自哪裡?」。不過我們開口的時候都很容易受到中文的影響,所以當想說「從哪裡來」的時候,好像自然就會想到 come from。不過,還記得我們小時候學文法的時候,老師都會說一個句子裡不會有兩個動詞,而 where are you come from 裡就有 are (be 動詞) 和 come (一般動詞) 兩個動詞,所以這一句不合符英文文法,正確說法應該是 Where are you from?。

Amy: Where are you from again?
Amy: 你說你從哪裡來?
Jack: I’m from Irvine in Scotland.
Jack: 我從蘇格蘭的爾灣來的。
Amy: Oh I thought you meant the one in California.
Amy: 喔我以為你是說加州那個。
Jack: My Aunt is from California.
Jack: 我姑姑是從加州來的。
Amy: Oh really?
Amy: 喔是喔?
Jack: Yeah–California, Scotland.
Jacl: 對啊,蘇格蘭的加州。

【吉米金摩秀】美國人真的知道北韓在哪裡嗎? (How Many Americans Know Where North Korea Is?)

I’ll send you the photos of yesterday.
I’ll send you the photos from yesterday.

跟外國朋友出去遊玩以後,你用手機拍了很多美照,想把這些美照寄給他們,所以就跟他們說 I’ll send you the photos of yesterday.,這整個句子乍聽之下沒有問題,不過介系詞用錯了,不是用 of 而是用 from。

Could you please send me the photos from yesterday? I want to upload them on my Instagram.
你可以把昨天的照片寄給我嗎?我想要上傳到 IG。

I need some time to sort out some photos taken today. I can first send you the photos from yesterday.

Dorian: I’ll send you the photos from yesterday as soon as I get them developed.
Dorian: 昨天的照片等我沖好之後就會寄給你。
Gillian: Thanks! Not many people shoot film photography these days.
Gillian: 謝啦!現在沒有什麼人會拍攝傳統相片了。
Dorian: Actually it’s getting more and more popular.
Dorian: 事實上越來越流行了呢。
Gillian: What’s the appeal of it?
Gillian: 它有什麼吸引力呀?
Dorian: I suppose because it makes you think more about what you are shooting.
Dorian: 我想是因為在拍攝的時候它會讓你想更多。
Gillian: Because you only get a limited number of chances?
Gillian: 因為只有幾次機會?
Dorian: Exactly.
Dorian: 沒錯。

I like here.
I like it here.

當外國朋友問你喜不喜這個地方的時候,我們通常都會回答「我喜歡這裡」,如果我們把句子直接以中文邏輯翻譯成英文回答的話,這句子的文法就不對了。中文的文法中,我們有時候可以省略代名詞或是主詞,但在英文文法中可不是如此。I like it here. 中的 it 其實沒有什麼特別的意思,但根據英文文法,因為 like 是及物動詞,所以後面要有受詞,因此「它」還是有存在的必要。

Susan: I like it here–so much history!
Susan: 我好喜歡這裡,充滿歷史氣息的地方!
Charles: I think it’s super boring.
Charles: 我覺得超無聊的。
Susan: How can you say that?
Susan: 你怎麼會這麼說?
Charles: It’s just a bunch of old stuff.
Charles: 就是一些舊舊的東西。
Susan: It’s a lot more than that. This cathedral was hand-built by the Romans!
Susan: 才不只是這樣。這座大教堂是羅馬人手工建造的!

live in a hotel
stay at/in a hotel

過海關的時候,海關人員都有可能會問你住在哪,如果是住飯店或旅館的話,正確說法會是 stay at/in a hotel。live 通常是指「居住」,特別是長期居住,比如說 I live at home. (我住在家裡) 或 I live in Zhongshan District. (我住在中山區)。而 stay 所指的居住時間是較短暫的,通常是指「留宿,停留」。

I will stay at my friend’s studio for three nights.

In recent years, I have started to see accommodation quality as the most important aspect of journey, so I am accustomed to staying at a hotel rather than at a hostel.

Jill: Are you fine with camping?
Jill: 露營你 OK 嗎?
Devon: I’d rather stay in a hotel to be honest.
Devon: 老實說我寧願待在飯店。
Jill: But what about the great outdoors! All the fresh air, the scenery …
Jill: 但是你不想親近大自然嗎!?有新鮮空氣還有風景…
Devon: Staying in a hotel is fun as well. And you get to steal all the toiletries and towels when you leave.
Devon: 待在飯店也挺好玩的啊。你還可以在離開的時候偷拿衛浴用品和浴巾。
Jill: I don’t think you’re supposed to do that.
Jill: 我覺得你不該這麼做。

飯店員工揭密 (Hotel Employees Reveal Secrets About Hotels)

get black
get tanned

到陽光與海灘的地方,當然少不了要曬日光浴!想跟外國朋友說,你想曬黑一點的時候,可能直覺會想到用 black 這個詞。外國朋友聽到的時候,可能會想說你是想把自己塗得黑黑吧!如果想說曬黑的話,正確說法是 get tanned。 tanned 是 tan 的過去分詞,當作形容詞用,形容「被曬成棕褐色的」皮膚;當用作名詞時,是指「棕褐色;黝黑」。使用 tanned 這個形容詞是指把白晢的皮膚曬得黝黑,如果本身膚色是較黝黑,像來自拉丁美洲的朋友,就不是用 tanned 而是用 dark 唷。除了說曬黑,我們會說曬得像古天樂那樣一身古銅色,英文可以說 a golden/dark tan。

Jerry: I’m trying to get tanned but nothing seems to be working.
Jerry: 我想曬黑但都沒效。
Paul: Have you tried tanning oil?
Paul: 你有試過助曬油嗎?
Jerry: Nah, I burn too easily so I think that would only make it worse.
Jerry: 沒,我很容易曬傷所以我覺得那只會更糟。
Paul: Maybe try using a weaker sunscreen?
Paul: 或許用比較弱的防曬乳?
Jerry: I suppose it is worth a try.
Jerry: 我想值得一試。 

morning call
wake-up call service

大家是不是都跟小 V 一樣,現在才發現原來我們一直習慣說的 morning call 是錯誤的,正確的說法應該是 wake-up call。wake up 是「起床;叫醒」的意思,而 call 是「打電話」的意思,所以照字面上 wake-up call 是「打電話叫你起床」的意思,而這邊的 wake-up 用連字號是因為它當作形容詞用。不過,wake-up call 還有另外一個意思是「警鐘、提醒」。要記住了,以後去飯店想要這個服務的時候,不要再講錯囉!

Ron: I’m having trouble at work. I keep coming in late.
Ron: 我工作上遇到了問題,一直遲到。
Al: Are you sleeping in or what?
AI: 你是睡過頭還是?
Ron: I keep having these really vivid dreams where my alarm goes off and I wake up and get out of bed–but I’m actually still asleep.
Ron: 我一直夢到很鮮明的夢,夢境中我的鬧鐘響了然後我起床了,但其實我還在睡夢中。
Al: I could provide a wake-up call service for you if that would help.
AI: 如果能幫上忙的話我可以叫你起床。
Ron: Maybe … but what if I dream that you’ve called me?
Ron: 或許吧… 但如果我夢到你叫我起床呢?
Al: Maybe you’re dreaming right now …
AI: 那或許你現在就在作夢…

What’s the weather?
How’s the weather? / What’s the weather like?

出門玩之前想問一下外面天氣如何,How’s the weather? 或 What’s the weather like? 是正確的說法。當我們用英文詢問「…怎麼樣? / …如何?」,基本上都會是 how 開頭。不過如果要用 what 開頭,則要在最後加上介系詞 like,因為 what 在這邊是疑問代名詞,所以要搭配介系詞。 。

A: How was the weather yesterday?
B: It was sunny. I forgot to wear sunscreen, and I got sunburnt.
A: 昨天天氣如何?
B: 大太陽的。我就忘了擦防曬乳,現在曬傷了。

Mike: What’s the weather like there?
Mike: 那裡天氣如何?
Sean: It’s sunny most of the time.
Sean: 大多時候都是晴天。
Mike: So I shouldn’t bother with an umbrella then?
Mike: 所以我應該不需要帶雨傘囉?
Sean: I’d take one. Sometimes there’s sudden rainstorms.
Sean: 是我我會帶,有時候突然會有暴風雨。
Mike: Oh, okay … but they clear up quite quickly?
Mike: 喔好… 但很快就會放晴?
Sean: Yeah.
Sean: 對啊。

小矮人舉手!來看看我們身材嬌小的優勢 (9 Perks Of Being Short)

以上的中式英文都是大家很常犯錯的例子!愈是簡單,我們就愈是容易犯小錯!不過大家現在看完了,以後就應該不會再犯了吧?小 V 希望大家都認真記下來,不用再怕被說只會一口 Chinglish!


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文/ Fibby
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ pixabay

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