「藥效退」的英文怎麼說?【中式英文特輯】150 個你會講錯的英文日常用語–生病篇 (1)

你的辛苦,小 V 最懂!


?I feel uncomfortable.

?I am not feeling well.

要注意的是雖然 uncomfortable 的中文的確翻譯成「不舒服的」,但是通常用在對話中指的是心中不愉快、不自在的感受,所以當你說 I feel uncomfortable. 的時候,其實對方理解的意思是「我心裡覺得不太舒服」,因此不能用來表達身體不舒服的感覺。比較正確的說法是 I am not feeling well.,簡單的英文就能表達出自己身體不舒服的狀況,大家趕快手刀拿出筆記抄下來!

After spending a whole week in London on business, I am not feeling well now. I might have caught a cold there.

Sean: You look terrible.
Sean: 你看起來很糟糕。
Dave: I feel worse.
Dave: 我感覺更糟。
Sean: What happened?
Sean: 怎麼了?
Dave: I think it was those mussels I had for dinner last night. I am really not feeling well. 
Dave: 我覺得是我昨晚吃的淡菜。我現在很不舒服。
Sean: I told you to avoid shellfish.
Sean: 我就說要避開貝殼類海鮮的。
Dave: But it’s so delicious …
Dave: 但很好吃啊…

補充一下,I am sick. 雖然可以用來表達「我生病了」,但因為 sick 也有「想吐」的意思,因此使用時要特別注意前後語境與語氣的表達以免造成對方理解錯誤喔!


?Are you sick?

?How are you feeling? / Are you not feeling well? / Do you feel ill? / Are you feeling ill?

這句話的問法跟表示「我生病了;我不舒服」是一樣的道理,必須要注意 sick 這個字的用法,當你問別人 Are you sick? ,除了可能是在問「你生病了嗎?」之外,更有可能被解讀成「你瘋了嗎?」,這是種譴責別人行為舉止不合理或心理不正常的負面表達。如果真的要關心對方的身體狀況,可以用 Are you not feeling well? 來詢問「你不舒服嗎?」或比較委婉的 How are you feeling? 來表示「你現在感覺如何?」。另外,在英國也常用 Do you feel ill? 或 Are you feeling ill? 來表示相同意思。

Hey, dear, you look so pale today. Are you not feeling well?

Sean: How are you feeling?
Sean: 你覺得如何?
Dave: Not good.
Dave: 不太好。
Sean: What’s the matter? Are you not feeling well?
Sean: 怎麼了?你不舒服嗎?
Dave: I think I’m coming down with a cold.
Dave: 我覺得我感冒了。
Sean: Do you feel ill? You don’t look great. Maybe you should take the afternoon off.
Sean: 你生病了嗎?你看起來不太好。或許下午應該請個假。

【冷知識】我都不知道水也會過期? (Does Water Ever Expire?)


?The drug effect disappeared.

?The drug wore off.

雖然因為 disappear 有「消失」的意思,所以我們可能會把藥效退了直接聯想成藥效消失了」進而使用 disappear 這個字,但是實際上英文母語者並不會將 disappear 這個動詞搭配 drug effect 一起使用。在講到某個事物的「效果」或帶來的「感覺」逐漸消退的時候,會用片語 wear off。

The effect of the anesthesia would wear off after three hours.

Jenny: How are you recovering from the accident?
Jenny: 意外發生後你復原地如何?
Sally: Quite well, but I am having a bit of trouble sleeping.
Sally: 挺不錯的,但我睡不太著。
Jenny: How come?
Jenny: 怎麼會?
Sally: The painkillers the doctor gave me wear off after about four hours.
Sally: 醫生給我的止痛藥四小時候藥效就會消退。
Jenny: So the pain wakes you up in the middle of the night?
Jenny: 所以你半夜被痛醒?
Sally: Exactly. I’m going to see if I can get a slow-release form of the drug.
Sally: 沒錯,我想我要找找看有沒有緩釋型的止痛藥。


?It’s so hurt!

?That hurts! / It hurts!

這句話是非英語母語者超級常見的錯誤!大家要特別注意 hurt 的用法可沒有像中文那麼直覺。這是因為 hurt 的動詞三態同形 (hurt-hurt-hurt),而且除了當動詞之外還可以當形容詞。當 hurt 作為形容詞使用,指身體或心理感到「受傷的」,通常都是以為主詞,例如:She got hurt. (她受傷了);但 hurt 作為動詞使用時,則通常以受傷或疼痛的部位為主詞,例如:My head hurts. (我頭很痛)。而沒有指明部位、單純要說好痛的時候,就可以說 It hurts. 或 That hurts.。

After the anesthesia wore off, it hurt a lot!

Doctor: You were quite lucky. Your collarbone took most of the impact.
醫生: 你挺幸運的。你的鎖骨吸收了撞擊。
Jay: I think I may have dislocated my finger as well.
Jay: 我想我的手指有可能脫臼了。
Doctor: Let me check your finger for a fracture … how does it feel when I move it like this?
醫生: 我檢查一下你的手指看有沒有骨折… 我這樣動它的話感覺如何?
Jay: Ow! That hurts! 
Jay: 噢!好痛!
Doctor: Okay … and what about now?
醫生: 好… 那這樣呢?
Jay: Ah! It still hurts!
Jay: 啊!還是很痛!

【Fung Bros】看看美國華僑試吃「台灣零食」的爆笑反應 (TAIWANESE SNACKS!)


?eat medicine

?take medicine/pills

這句話一樣常因為中式英文的邏輯而被誤用,就跟吃午餐時要用 have lunch 而非 eat lunch 一樣,外國人在表達吃藥、服用藥物時,使用的動詞是 take,大家一定要牢牢記住喔!
小小補充:medicine 指的是「用來治療、預防各式疾病的藥物」,是藥物的統稱,而 pill 則是指「藥丸、藥片」,為 medicine 的一種。

I have an important meeting tomorrow. To sleep faster, I’ll take the sleeping pills before bed.

Nurse: The infection should clear up within a week with this medicine.
Patient: Okay, thanks. Should I take the medicine at a specific time?
Nurse: You can either take two pills in the morning, or one in the morning and then one in the afternoon.
Patient: Are there any side effects I should be aware of?
Nurse: Just make sure you don’t take the medicine on an empty stomach and you should be fine.


?go to see the doctor

?go to the doctor / see a doctor

在中文的邏輯裡都會把「要去看醫生」直接翻成 go to see the doctor,但實際上在口語時多半只會 go 或 see 擇一使用,直接說 go to the doctor 或 see a/the doctor 就可以囉

I am not feeling well now; I will see a doctor as soon as possible after work.

Neil: So, last week my grandad accidentally cut his thumb off. And any sane person would have immediately gone to see a doctor.
Neil: 所以,上禮拜我阿公不小心把他大拇指切了下來。任何精神正常的人都會馬上去看醫生。
Alex: Wait, so what did your grandad do?
Alex: 等等,所以你阿公怎麼處理?
Neil: He put the thumb on ice, then drank a bottle of whisky while he waited for my grandma to come home and drive him to the hospital.
Neil: 他把他的大拇指放到冰上,然後喝了一瓶威士忌,邊等我阿嬤開車載他去醫院。
Alex: Were they able to reattach it?
Alex: 他們有辦法接回去嗎?
Neil: Yeah, luckily.
Neil: 有,幸好。



?white bread

聽到吐司兩個字,我們就會直覺地想到 toast 這個單字,但是 toast 指的其實是烤過的吐司,而不是所謂的白吐司。而一般我們常說的沒有烤過的白吐司則是 white bread,而一條白吐司就是 a loaf of bread,下次不要再說錯囉!

My grandma’s homemade white bread is the softest and most delicious bread in the world.

Ben: You know, you shouldn’t eat so much white bread.
Ben: 你知道,你不應該吃這麼多白吐司的。
Sal: How bad can a couple of slices of white bread toast be?
Sal: 吃幾片吐司會怎樣?
Ben: The human body doesn’t need complex starches like those found in white bread.
Ben: 人體不需要這麼多像白吐司裡面那種澱粉。
Sal: You’re making me feel guilty now …
Sal: 你現在讓我罪惡感很重…
Ben: If you can’t live without sandwiches or toast, it’s much healthier if you swap white bread for wholewheat.
Ben: 如果你一定要吃三明治或烤吐司的話,換成全麥吐司會比較好。

看看以下影片了解到底甚麼是 toast 

小鹿亂撞!全球最帥醫生 Dr.Mike 教你健康飲食法! (What I Actually Eat In A Day | Doctor Mike)



?boiled water

世界上的水千奇百種,到國外時又常因為生飲和開水分不清楚而肚子痛嗎?通常在會喝生水的地區,說 water 或 tap water 都是指水龍頭裡直接流出來、沒有煮過的水;如果在國外餐廳想喝煮過的白開水的話,可以說 boiled water (開水),如果沒有煮過的開水也可以喝瓶裝水 (bottled water) 比較安全。
小小補充:如果還要加上溫度的條件,則可以說 room-temperature water (冷開水)、ice water (冰開水)、hot water (滾熱水),而溫開水可不是 warm water,而是 lukewarm water 喔。

I would like a cup of boiled water, served at room temperature.

Ian: Can you put the kettle on for me?
Ian: 你可以幫我把水壺放上去嗎?
Heather: Are you making food or just a drink?
Heather: 你要煮東西還是喝東西?
Ian: I need boiled water for coffee.
Ian: 泡咖啡要煮水。
Heather: Okay, I won’t fill it all the way up then.
Heather: 好,那我不會裝滿。
Ian: This is a fancy looking kettle.
Ian: 這水壺看起來好高級.
Heather: Yeah, it’s designed so that it plays a musical chord when the water is boiled!
Heather: 是啊,這設計是水開的時候還會發出音樂呢!



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文/ Lian Hsiao
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pixabay CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語