「CP 值」的英文到底怎麼說?【中式英文特輯】150 個你會講錯的英文日常用語─購物篇 (1)

小 V 拿到薪水的第一件事就是開始打開各種網購網站,
然後不斷加入購物車、結帳,看看什麼東西 CP 值比較高,


?80% off

?20% off

雖然在台灣大家很習慣講打八折、打七折等,但外國人其實不是這樣說的。介系詞 off 有「去掉」的意思,打八折就是去掉兩折,所以是 20% off;相反的,如果你說 80% off 就會是打兩折的意思。如果大家看到有哪些店有掛上 80% off 的牌子,有可能是店家弄錯了,不然的話就…記得來聯絡小 V 去搶購啊!

另外,我們常常看到類似「全面 7 折起」,英文的說法是 up to 30% off,up to 的意思是指「至多…」,所以 up to 30% off 就是最多打七折。

Jim: What should we get to drink?
Jim: 我們要買些什麼來喝?
Bob: White wine? This bottle is 20 percent off.
Bob: 白酒呢?這瓶打八折。
Jim: Wine? Since when did you become all fancy?
Jim: 葡萄酒?你什麼時候開始喜歡喝的?
Bob: What’s wrong with wine?
Bob: 喝葡萄酒有什麼不好?
Jim: With our budget? I suggest sticking to beer.
Jim: 就用我們這點預算來買?我覺得還是啤酒好了。
Bob: Fine … luckily beer is also 20 percent off.
Bob: 好吧… 幸好啤酒也是八折。


?The price is suitable.

?The price is reasonable.

當我們在講一個物品的價錢是「合理的」時,要使用 reasonable,而不是 suitable ,suitable 意思是「合適的;適宜的」,用來指對某人或物而言為合適或不合適的。

“Game of Thrones” is not suitable for children.

reasonable 也是形容詞,意思有「公平的,講道理的;可接受的,尚好的」或是指在價錢方面「公道的,不太貴的」。所以當我們說某物的價格為合理的時候應該要用 reasonable。

Kim: 4,000 … seems a little expensive for a denim jacket.
Kim: 四千…買一件牛仔外套好像有點貴。
Gordon: I think the price is quite reasonable.
Gordon: 我覺得這價錢很合理。
Kim: But it’s second-hand! I could get a new one for 1,000.
Kim: 但是這是二手的!買一件新的才只要一千。
Gordon: A vintage jacket will last much longer than a new one.
Gordon: 復古外套會比新的更耐穿。
Kim: True. I’ve heard new stuff is designed to break.
Kim: 也是,聽說新的東西設計都很容易破。
Gordon: That’s how they keep you buying more.
Gordon: 這也就是他們讓你一直買新東西的手法。

體驗東京膠囊旅館 (Staying at a Tokyo Capsule Hotel)


?The price is too expensive/cheap.

?The price is too high. / The price is too low.

expensive 或 cheap 本身的意思就是某物是「昂貴的」或是「便宜的」了,所以只會用來形容物品本身,但是價格是一種「數字」,所以我們就要用 high (高) 或 low (低) 來描述。

Kurt: That price is too high for tomatoes.
Kurt: 這價錢對蕃茄來說也太貴了。
Courtney: If anything that price is too low.
Courtney: 它們的價錢不可能太便宜的。
Kurt: What do you mean? I’ve bought them for half that before.
Kurt: 什麼意思?我之前買過半價。
Courtney: Sure, but that was when they were in season.
Courtney: 當然,但那是當季的時候。
Kurt: I guess.
Kurt: 我想也是。
Courtney: You should be glad you can get tomatoes at all at this time of year.
Courtney: 這個時候你還能買到番茄就要偷笑了。


?It’s for sale.

?It’s on sale.

for sale 和 on sale 只有一個介系詞之隔,但意思可是天差地遠哦!for sale 是指商品「出售中」,而若要指某商品正在「特價」,要使用 on sale

Eva: I’m thinking about getting a surfboard …
Eva: 我想要買個衝浪板…
Dennis: What? But you don’t even surf!
Dennis: 什麼?但你根本不會衝浪!
Eva: Yeah but it’s on sale!
Eva: 是啊,但在特價耶!
Dennis: You can’t even swim!
Dennis: 你根本不會游泳!
Eva: Well … I can learn.
Eva: 這個嘛…我可以學啊。
Dennis: That’s what you said about that piano you bought last year.
Dennis: 你去年買那台鋼琴的時候也是這麼說。

CP 值很高

?The CP rate is high.

?It’s a real bargain.

CP 值的英文其實是 cost-performance ratio,中文叫做「性價比」,是一個經濟學與工程學的專業名詞。當我們在說某個東西 CP 值很高的時候,就是在指某個東西買起來很划算,那我們用英文到底可以怎麼說?以下幾種用法都可以指某物很划算:

It’s a real bargain.
It’s a great deal.
It’s a steal. (這邊可不是說東西是偷來的,而是形容就像偷來的一樣划算)

Clarence: How much is that smartphone?
Clarence: 這支手機多少錢?
Bruce: Only 5,000. Plus another 20 percent off for members.
Bruce: 只要五千,會員還打八折。
Clarence: That’s a real bargain.
Clarence: 很划算耶。
Bruce: Yeah, but I’m still not sure. I might wait.
Bruce: 對啊,但我還在想,我想我要再等等。
Clarence: How come?
Clarence: 為什麼?
Bruce: I’ve heard it’s going to be in the sale next week.
Bruce: 聽說下禮拜會有特價。


?Can I try ________?

?Can I try ________ on? / Can I try on ________?

try 本身有「嘗試」的意思,也可以指試吃食物。

Can I try the original flavor frozen yogurt?

那如果是要「試用」化妝品或什麼東西時,就要使用 try out

I like this lipstick color, can I try it out?

最後我們的重點,也就是「試穿」,則是要使用 try on 哦!

Alan: We never sell anything here.
Alan: 我們這裡的東西從來都賣不出去。
Clare: No wonder. Look how expensive this is!
Clare: 難怪,看看這個有多貴!
Alan: Especially for something that ugly.
Alan: 特別是這東西又那麼醜。
Clare: Can I try it on?
Clare: 我可以試穿嗎?
Alan: What for?
Alan: 要幹嘛?
Clare: Well … maybe someone as fashionable as me can make it work!
Clare: 這個嘛…或許像我這樣時髦的人穿很可以!


?How many money?

?How much is it?

money (錢) 是一個不可數的名詞,所以我們要用 much 來修飾。much 後方接不可數名詞,而 many 後方只能接可數名詞。詢問量的多寡可以用 how much 開頭。How much is it? 指的是詢問某件單一物品多少錢,若要詢問多件物品的價錢則可用 How much are they?。

Jack: Thanks for coming to the gallery opening.
Jack: 謝謝你來參加藝廊的開幕活動。
Steph: No problem, although I think most of this is out of my price range …
Steph: 不會,雖然大部分畫作都超出我的預算…
Jack: This painting is quite affordable.
Jack: 這畫作價格應該還可以負擔。
Steph: How much is it?
Steph: 多少錢?
Jack: 5 million.
Jack: 五百萬。
Steph: (joking) Oh, what a pity! I only have 4 million on me …
Steph: (開玩笑) 喔,真可惜!我剛好身上只有四百萬…

【冷知識】我都不知道水也會過期? (Does Water Ever Expire?)


?old customer

?regular guest/customer

今天的最後一組生活用語,就是「老客戶」。當我們用英文在說「老客戶」時,可不能直接直翻成 old customer ,old customer 聽起來可能會被誤會成年紀很大的客戶,使用上一定要小心喔!那麼到底該怎麼說呢?我們可以用 regular guest/customer。regular 這個字有「頻繁的;經常的」的意思,可以用來形容「經常光顧的客人」。口語上也常常直接用 regular 來稱呼常客。

Janice: I’m amazed this place is still open.
Janice: 我很訝異這店還開著。
Shane: I know. We’re the last record store in the city.
Shane: 我知道,我們是這城市裡最後一間唱片店了。
Janice: You’re lucky. Most people buy music online now.
Janice: 你真幸運,大部分的人現在都線上購買音樂了。
Shane: Thankfully our regular customers keep us going.
Shane: 感謝我們的老顧客一直光顧。
Janice: It’s a place to socialize as well now that you sell coffee.
Janice: 你現在有賣咖啡那這裡也變成了一個大家社交的好地方了。
Shane: A home away from home for our regulars.
Shane: 對我們的常客來說是另外一個家。

好了,現在大家已經學會八組購物時很常講錯的英文了,小 V 要繼續去血拼了,有人要加入我嗎?


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文/ Mackenzie Wang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels, CC licensed
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語